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因此,我们可以说,圣人是来自于积累。Thus, a sage grows out of accumulation.

要措置的数据的一种聚积。An accumulation of data to be processed.

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中有甘氨酸甜菜碱的积累。The accumulation of glycine betaine in E.

这种气体积累归咎于人为因素。This accumulation is due to human causes.

我们每小我皆是我们记忆的积累。Each of us is the accumulation of our memories.

外汇储备的增长在2002年开始加速。The accumulation accelerated in 2002. As the U.

一世繁华万世功,没有积累哪有成。I busy does not work, which has no accumulation.

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艺术不过是随着时间的慢慢累积。Art is all about the slow accumulation over time.

人才聚集是人才流动的产物。Talent accumulation is the result of talent flowage.

积累效应主要发生于暴露早期。The accumulation mainly occurred in forepart exposure.

取得公认的证照,做为检核知识的累积成果。Check for the results of the accumulation of knowledge.

滴灌比沟灌更有利于大豆干物质的积累。Drip irrigation is benefit for dry matter accumulation.

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青青的石板路,缓缓流淌着积累的雨水。Green stone road, slowly flow accumulation of rainwater.

第三中举五项目,我们没有货供给。We aren't able to accumulation the third ad fifth items.

信心是所有累聚财富途径的起跑点。FAITH is the starting point of all accumulation of riches!

在机器上整理不好,在机器部件上挂花。Poor housekeeping and fluff accumulation on machine parts.

聪明在于勤奋,天才在于积累。——华罗庚。Smart lies in hard work, talent is gained by accumulation.

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低剂量组中5-OHP的体内积聚较为明显。Accumulation of 5-OHP is obvious in the lower dosage group.

开集闭集,聚点,内点。Open and closed sets, accumulation points, interior points.

热量的积聚在煤自燃过程中起着关键的作用。The heat accumulation plays key role in coal self-ignition.