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活体解剖的受害者需要帮忙的。The victims of vivisection need a hand.

活体动物来进行研究的人。A lover of animals, especially one opposed to vivisection.

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动物权力运动人士宣导反对各式活体解剖。Animal-rights activists campaign against all forms of vivisection.

听到有关活体解剖的理智的讨论是世上最少有的一件事。It is the rarest thing in the world to hear a rational discussion o! vivisection.

杨丰懋和金深水获悉林婴婴被做活体实验,万分着急。Yang Fengmao learns and gold deep water Lin Ying baby be vivisection experiments, very worried.

如果说“没有灵魂”这一说法与所争论的问题有任何关联的话,它则是一条反对活体解剖的论证。Soullessness, in so far as it is relevant to the question at all, is an argument against vivisection.

有些组织成员的责任还包括释放活体解剖和科学实验的动物。Some of its members have been involved in freeing the animals from vivisection or other use in scientific laboratories.

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作者支持动物实验,因为它带来很多好处。演讲者反对它,因为他感到这是不道德的。The author supports vivisection because it brings many a benefit. The speaker opposes it because he finds it unethical.

我整个的心灵都在厌恶活体解剖,我认为所有沾染无辜鲜血的科学发现都是没有价值的。I abhor vivisection throughout the heart, I think all infected with innocent blood of scientific discovery is of no value.

活体解剖是否对人类有益,这一点我没有兴趣去了解。I believe I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn t.

唯一能够为活体解剖辩护的,就是证明为了一个物种能够幸福些,另一物种受苦时对的。Now vivisection can only be defended by showing it to be right that one species should suffer in order that another species should be happier.

但是现代活体解剖最为有害的是,如果仅仅是一种感情便可使残忍成为正当的,那么为什么不把这种感情扩展到整个人类上去呢?But the most sinister thing about modern vivisection is this. If a mere sentiment justifies cruelty, why stop at a sentiment for the whole human race?

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如果我生在法律不怎么严格,风尚比较不大文雅的地方,我一定要把这两位来个慢慢的活体解剖,作为晚上的娱乐。Had I been born where laws are less strict and tastes less dainty, I should treat myself,to a slow vivisection of those two, as an evening's amusement.

有些人认为做活体实验很残酷是因为动物应该人类的好朋友,应该有他们生存的权利。Some believe that it is rather brutal to carry out vivisection experiments because animals are human's good friends and they have the rights to survive.

学生练习收集文章的资料。本单元着重写一篇关于活体解剖的文章,学生可以上网去搜索资料。Students practise gathering data for an essay. This unit focuses on an essay on vivisection and in this activity students go to the website to source information.

另一部分人认为做活体实验是为了人类的利益,他们认为做活体实验可以使人类以后更加健康并且可以推动医学的发展。Others insist that vivisection experiments are done for the sake of human's interest, making human beings healthier and promoting the development of medical science.