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学识要塞,伟大的巫术魔法之城,现在已是一片废墟。Lorekeep, the great city of necromantic magic, lies in ruins.

死亡骑士把武力和黑暗的亡灵法术结合在一起。The death knight combines martial prowess with dark, necromantic energies.

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施法者等级25,尽管他在施展死灵法术时相当于一个35级的牧师。Caster level 25, although he casts Necromantic spells as a 35th level Cleric.

我仍然很想和你讨论那些配方最适合用来制作死灵法师所用的药剂!I'd still like to discuss what components are best used in necromantic potions.

到最后,耐奥祖转化成了一个混合了强大超能力和亡灵法师能力的鬼魂形态。To this end, the orc Ner'zhul was transformed into a wraith-like being of unlimited psionic and necromantic power.

奥库斯受限学派是附魔系,施法者等级25,尽管他在施展死灵法术时相当于一个35级的法师。Orcus' restricted school is Enchantment. Caster level 25, although he casts Necromantic spells as a 35th level Wizard.

加以时日,太阳井的巫术将会杀死剩下的精灵并切污染周围的土地。Given enough time, the vile necromantic energies would kill the elves and spread an incurable poison throughout the surrounding land.

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在巫妖王之怒会加入一个新职业而且是第一个英雄职业,这就是通灵死亡骑士。Wrath of the Lich King will add a new option to the game's class roster with the introduction of the first hero class, the necromantic death knight.

虽然蛛网怪对耐奥祖的瘟疫免疫,但他强大的通灵能力使他能够操纵蜘蛛战士的尸体并让他们为他作战。Though the nerubians were immune to his plague, Ner'zhul's growing necromantic powers allowed him to raise the spider-warriors' corpses and bend them to his will.

从这一意义上说,现代性追求的是一种启蒙精神,一种能够真正确立主体地位的存在方式,使人类从巫术的、奇魅的或传统的束缚中觉醒出来。In this sense, modernity pursues a kind of enlightenmental spirit that can truly establish subject, which helps mankind wake up from necromantic traditional bondages.