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Jive的这个例子很常见。Jive is not an uncommon example.

这里是“非同寻常的知识。This has been Uncommon Knowledge.

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生长期有霜实属罕见。Growing season frosts are uncommon.

杰生的经历并非不常见。Jason's experience is not uncommon.

他是一个才艺出众的人。He is a man of uncommon acquirements.

太阳放射出异常的光彩。The sun was shining with uncommon lustre.

15年的寿命对狗而言是比较常见的。A 15-year lifespan is not uncommon for a dog.

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这样明显的悖论并不稀罕。Such apparent paradoxes are far from uncommon.

残酷的劫掠行为并非罕见。Brutal acts of depredation are not not uncommon.

以巨大肿瘤样的形能来表现是不常见的。A large mass-like pattern is an uncommon finding.

侧面肾脏异常旋转是相当少见。Lateral renal malrotation is relatively uncommon.

天疱疮是一种罕见的自身免疫性皮肤病。Pemphigus is an uncommon autoimmune skin disease.

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尽管是一个不普通的人,但韦奇却有一个普通的名字。Although an uncommon man, Wedge has a common name.

一栋房子有20到30个人出价,这是很常见的。It’s not uncommon to see 20-30 offers on one house.

现在的就业形势的确很恐怖有的说…不过打死也不想考博士…Nothing is more common than the wish to be uncommon.

两人在修理东西上都有一手绝活。Both are blessed with uncommon ability to fix things.

腕管综合征继发性痛风是少见。Carpal tunnel syndrome secondary to gout is uncommon.

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压迫腰4神经根相对少见。Compression of nerve roots cranial to L4 is uncommon.

不常见于高至海拔1200米的热带山麓森林。Uncommon in tropical submontane forests up to 1200 m.

有贝克特题辞的作品版本是非常罕见的。Inscribed copies of Beckett's works are very uncommon.