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用户外出时可将温控阀调整到低温状态。To ANSI valve can be adjusted to low temperature.

浮动球阀具有全通径和缩径两种结构形式。ANSI full bore and necking of two structural forms.

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阀盖连接-ANSI压力等级不同,连接结构也有所不同。Bonnet Joint ? joint design varies with ANSI class rating.

关于平顶链链轮最大顶圆直径的规定,ISO、ANSI和GB等标准不尽相同。The maximum tip diameters of flat top Chainwheels among ISO, ANSI and GB are different.

该锁通过BHMA认证,符合ANSI标准,被UL列入为火警级别使用的门上。The lock is BHMA certified for ANSI compliance and is UL listed for use on fire-rated doors.

另外除了ANSI的存储类,SDCC允许下列的MCS51特殊的存储类。In addition to the ANSI storage classes SDCC allows the following MCS51 specific storage classes.

MAXON的A型同步流量控制阀阀体的设计满足ANSI的法兰规格要求。MAXON's A Style Synchro flow control valve bodies are designed to meet ANSI flange specifications.

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如果标签上表明“紫外线吸收波长至400nm”或者“达到ANSI紫外线标准”,那么就是有效的。If the label says “UV absorption up to 400 nm” or “Meets ANSI UV Requirements” these are effective.

20世纪的幼稚的ANSI程序,把一切非英语字符都转换为'?Naive ANSI program from the 20th century. All non-English characters are converted into illegible '?

美国国家标准化组织A117.1-1998规格说明,关于“便于残疾人进入和使用的建筑物和设施”的有关规定。ANSI A117.1-1998 Specifications for Making Buildings and Facilities Accessible to and Usable by Physically Handicapped People.

这种高压降角截止阀功能提供先进的施工质量和使用寿命长,800类的ANSI。Advanced construction features of this high pressure drop angle globe valve provide quality and long service life, Class 800 ANSI.

除非另有规定,设备口垫片表面应光滑平整,ANSI标准规定的锯齿形不能使用。Unless otherwise specified, the nozzle gasket surface shall be flat smooth surface and serration specified in ANSI standard is not to provide.

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这个独立的第三方认证机构保证这些产品和材料经过正式的检测,符合ASTM和ANSI标准。This independent third party certifier provides assurance that products and materials are regularly tested to comply with ASTM and ANSI Standards.

注意,将单字节的ANSI文本载入内存后会占用两倍的空间大小,因为它们会以Unicode字符存储,每个字符占用两个字节。Note that loading single-byte ANSI text into memory results in twice the number, because all text is stored as Unicode characters, which are two bytes each.

所有美国太平洋阀门都适用于这些压力-温度表内某个特定的ANSI压力等级和ASTM材料所显示的压力和温度范围内。All Pacific Valves are designed to operate through pressure and temperature range shown in these P-T Charts for a particular ANSI Class Rating and ASTM Material.

这个新的shell有几个增强的特性,例如使用了提供ANSI着色的JLine库,tab命令补全,行编辑能力。This new shell features several enhancements, such as the use of the JLine library which provides ANSI coloring, tab completion for commands, line editing capabilities.

在考虑了外磁场、界面各向异性后,详细研究了铁磁和反铁磁层间耦合下自旋双链系统中的声-光型界面自旋波及其存在的充要条件。The model of a ferromagnetic bichain with arbitrary easy ansi uniaxial volume and interface anisotropy, and ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic interface exchange coupling is investigated.

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简要介绍了嵌入式系统以及相应的开发工具,然后对命令行的结构、能、点进行了分析,具体研究了如何用C语言和二进制树实现命令行。The paper first describes embedded system and tools in brief, and then discusses the possibility and ways to construct a command line module in embedded system with ANSI C and binary tree.

海盐常盛五金制造有限公司成立于2008年,主要生产德、美制、国标马车螺栓和外六角螺栓以及护兰螺栓和非标螺栓。Founded in 2008, Haiyan Changde Hardware Manufacturing Co. , Ltd. specializes in manufacturing carriage bolts, hex bolts and guard bolts with standards of DIN, ANSI and GB and non-standard bolts.