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混水摸鱼。Fish in troubled water.

她搅乱了他的安宁。She troubled his peace.

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莱娜达扰乱了我的心。Renata troubled my mind.

不过,他还没有陷入麻烦当中。But he was not yet troubled.

它们的关系很糟糕。It's a troubled relationship.

不要浑水摸鱼。Never fish in troubled waters.

他显然是个不安份的人。He is obviously a troubled man.

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你可以浑水摸鱼。You can fish in troubled waters.

自己要‘调伏’自己的心,不要让心跟随烦恼。Don't let your heart be troubled.

她的行为让我深感忧虑。Her behaviour deeply troubled me.

他在混水摸鱼。He was fishing in troubled waters.

难以名状的恐惧困扰着他。He was troubled by nameless fears.

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他因对宗教的疑惧而十分烦恼。He was troubled by religious doubt.

一条受惊不安的猎狗正在对月狂吠。A troubled hound was baying the moon.

他们喜欢混水摸鱼。They love to fish in troubled waters.

浑水之中好摸鱼。It is good fishing in troubled waters.

我有慢性胃痛的烦恼。I'm troubled with chronic stomachaches.

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你喜欢趁机混水摸鱼。You delight to fish in troubled waters.

因为他们都看见了他,且甚惊慌。For they all saw him, and were troubled.

就不会为英语烦懑了。I would not be very troubled by English.