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它反映的是一个超越我们可见的世界。It reveals a realm beyond our perceivable world.

同可视世界分开的是一个理念世界。There is a world of ideas that is separated from our perceivable world.

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对于重构方法的客户机来说,看不到区别。To a client of a refactored method, there is no perceivable difference.

将这些飘渺的互动翻译为人可理解的确凿的。It translates these purported interactions into a mode perceivable and tangible to man.

这种差异小至几个百分点,虽可以感知,但并不一定显而易见。The differences can be just a few percent— perceivable though not necessarily noticeable.

对于一般人,普遍认为这是一个可以感知客体的真实世界。For the average person, common sense says that there is a real world of perceivable objects.

于沟通时动物并不会有任何可感知的效果,无论是清醒还是睡著。There will not be any perceivable effect on the animal during communication, awake or asleep.

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香味越微妙,越不易辨别出来是什么花,便越加高贵。The more subtle and less easily perceivable its fragrance, the more noble the flower may be regarded.

持续可用性要求数据库引擎随时可用,没有可觉察的停机时间。Continuous availability demands that the database engine be available for processing with no perceivable downtime.

体式和调息是瑜伽练习中可以被感知到的部分,而其他部分不像这两部分那样显而易见。Asana and pranayama are all perceivable aspects of yoga practice but there are other layers which are not that obvious.

在他看似无规律的创作中,其过程无法被人洞察,所以,同观众一样,他也在等待着看到自己的作品最终将会带来怎样的惊喜。There is no real perceivable process behind his Bosch-like creations, so just like his audience, he too waits to see how his work will unfold.

然而,科学家们现在发现当人们在问题中听到物体的名字后,这些觉察不出的影像可以变得可见。However, scientists find that when people hear the name of the object in the question, these unperceivable visual images can become perceivable.

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作为一种语言学习方式,科学认读必须遵循汉语言生成、发展的规律和儿童认知发展规律。As a language learning method, scientific reading must follow the principles of language formation, developing and children′s perceivable process.

这一主旨也通过一系列其他空间构件向观者提出了挑战,如迷宫一般的走廊和没有人形洞口的立面。This leitmotif challenges the viewer through a series of other spatial elements, such as labyrinth-like corridors and façades without perceivable openings.

“记录”指书写在有形介质上的信息,或者存储在电子介质或其他介质上并且能够以可识别的形式重新获取的信息。"Record" means information that is inscribed on a tangible medium or that is stored in an electronic or other medium and is retrievable in perceivable form.

另一极端是对“法律”采用完全的比喻,从自然现象中挑选出支配非个人的行为的可知觉的某些标准或规范。The other extreme took "law" completely metaphorically, picking out some standard or norm perceivable in natural phenomena which governs behavior through entirely impersonal means.

达尔西实验室的五个入口资料被洩漏,政府的解决办法是﹐把旧的建筑摧毁﹐在别的不显眼的地方盖新的。Data on five entrances to Dulce Lab is leaked, and the government takes care of them by destroying buildings and building new ones in odd locations for apparently no perceivable reason.

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曹静萍如果说曹静萍前期作品以具体的生命状态传达某种心理迹象,尚有内在的视觉指向可供识读和感悟。If Cao Jingping's previous art works conveyed some perceivable psychological indication by representing concrete life, then his recent works began to concern more about narrative logic.

对磁力矩计算公式进行无量纲参数化处理,使公式简单、直观,使用方便。Dimensionless parametrization is carried out for the calculation formula of magnetically transmitted torque. The simplified formula is simple, directly perceivable and convenient in use.

该软件使用方便直观,提示的信息量大,计算结果准确可靠,可为合成氨厂提供多方面的技术服务。The software has advantages of easily perceivable operation, a lot of information and precisely reliable calculating result. It can provide technical service in many ways for the ammonia plant.