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普遍论者的立场改由一条间接的途径得出。The universalist position is arrived at instead by an indirect route.

星期天她会去沿途的一神信普救教堂。On Sundays, she goes to Unitarian Universalist churches along the way.

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首先,宇宙观无法被直接运用到不同型态的语言中。First, universalist view should be modified to be applied in different languages.

该统一世界教会是一个教会,因为它只能相信上帝,是父亲。The Unitarian Universalist Church is such a Church, which only believes in God, the Father.

现在,摆在首位,这些普遍性理论不能如雨后春笋般冒出来的使徒。Now, in the first place, these universalist doctrines could not have sprung up among the Apostles.

但是,有一个强大的文化并不意味着可以拒绝或者对普遍主义方法持有偏见。However, having a strong culture shall not mean to refuse or to be prejudiced about universalist approaches.

马奇亚维利的国家本身,也有普遍性的野心,从很多层面看来,很像其基督与罗马帝国的前辈。Machiavelli's state itself has universalist ambitions, in many ways, much like its Christian and Roman predecessors.

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马奇亚维利的国家本身,也有普遍性的野心,从很多层面看来,很像其基督与罗马帝国的前辈。Machiavelli's state itself has universalist ambitions, in many ways, much like its Christian and Roman predecessors.

他所钦佩的是书中对马尔科姆救赎旅程和他最终的救赎,最终成为一名普遍主义者的描述。What he admired was the book’s depiction of Malcolm’s redemptive journey and his redemptive, universalist final year.

但现在你有了共相论者的理论,告诉你有无穷多的关系处在你和你的快乐之间。Yet now we have a universalist theory telling us that there are endlessly many relations intervening between you and your happiness.

为何自我修养这一超验主义神学理论会成为现代唯一神论教会修行的基础?How can this Transcendentalist theology of self-culture serve as the foundation for a contemporary Unitarian Universalist spiritual practice?

田纳西山谷普救派教堂举行了一场纪念活动,纪念一周前再枪击事件中丧生的两个人。The Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church held a memorial service in honor of the two people killed in a shooting rampage a week ago.

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在本书的自序中,尼斯贝特坦陈自己曾一直对人类思考的本质持普遍主义观点。By his own admission in the introduction to this book, Nisbett had previously been a lifelong universalist concerning the nature of human thought.

美国能够在无需自认为全世界的人都应该生活在与他们相似系统中的普适性信仰的驱动下,沉浸在它的例外论中么?Could America bask in its exceptionalism without being driven by universalist convictions that all peoples of the world should live under systems similar to ours?

第二,每个国家的首脑,都有权决定,国家的宗教,因此终结了,由一种宗教统治全国的局面。And secondly, that the head of each state would have the right to determine the religion of the state, again thus putting an end to the claims of a single universalist church.

所以说,若是由信普救说者教会,与罗马帝国为代表的君主政体结盟,便会断送,其他文明中存在的自由前景So the union of a universalist religion, with a monarch such as the Roman Empire, who ruled a vast empire, could nonetheless have put an end to any prospect of freedom as in other civilizations.

所以说虽然宇宙神教与以罗马帝国为代表的君主政体结盟便会断送其他文明中存在的自由前景。So the union of a universalist religion, with a monarch such as the Roman Empire, who ruled a vast empire, could nonetheless have put an end to any prospect of freedom as in other civilizations.

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然而,米什拉先生得出结论,这一前景是“知识分子最大的失败”,因为“因为现今,对西方思想家的政治和经济的见解,亚洲人并没有令人信服的、普遍接受的回应存在。”That prospect, however, masks what Mr Mishra concedes is an "immense intellectual failure", because "no convincingly universalist response exists today to Western ideas of politics and economy".