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我着紧草。I'm wearing grass.

我着紧草。I am wearing grass.

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我现在正穿着大衣呢。I'm wearing my coat.

我穿一件短袖汗衫。I'm wearing a T-shirt.

莎莉穿了一条小红裙。Sally's wearing a red.

别给我戴高帽子了。I am wearing a red hat.

它穿着粗蓝布工装裤!It's wearing dungarees!

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这辆车已经开始磨损。The car is wearing out.

她穿着防水衣。She's wearing an anorak.

安戴着一顶新帽子。Ann is wearing a new hat.

美丽只是一张皮。Claire is wearing a smile.

母亲节那天,在胸前佩戴石竹花。In the chest wearing pink.

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现在一切就序,露西戴着一顶新帽子。Lucy is wearing a new hat.

妈妈正戴着太阳镜。Mom is wearing sunglasses.

婴儿的名字在围兜上。The baby is wearing a bib.

一个男人正戴着一顶大帽子。A man is wearing a big hat.

还有呢,你连皮带也用我的。And you're wearing my belt!

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他穿着一件黑衣服。He is wearing a black coat.

她喜欢戴优质珍珠。She enjoys wearing orients.

她穿着一套红西装。She was wearing a red suit.