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历史,我们知道,它水性杨花又冷酷无情。The history, as we know, it is both of easy virtue and ruthlessness.

有的则认为是由于全身心地投入工作以至于对自己近乎残忍的科度。Others speak of utter devotion to work, combined with a degree of ruthlessness.

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土星刑冥王星可以指出自我意识及坚持到了残酷无情的地步。Saturn square Pluto can indicate self-will and persistence to the point of ruthlessness.

拒接电话给我们的家庭生活带入了一丝冷酷的色彩。By not answering our landlines, we bring a little of that ruthlessness into our home lives.

“社交网络”本身就是一个侮辱性词汇,是搧在无情和绝望上的耳光。"Social networking" itself is a disgusting phrase, smacking of ruthlessness and desperation.

一定程度上的"绝情",是一个成功的CEO或者总统的必要特质。A certain degree of ruthlessness is a necessary attribute for any successful CEO or president.

他拥有金钱和枪支的支持,同时也拥有狡诈、无情和决一死战的雄心。He has cash and guns to sustain him, as well as cunning, ruthlessness and do-or-die determination.

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酒醒后的狄俄尼索斯后悔万分,深感自己的行为罪恶不赦而流下了忏悔的眼泪。Moved with guilt, Dionysus realized the ruthlessness of his actions and began to weep with sorrow.

那些尝试过重塑人类天性的社会都由于残酷无情而备受关注。Those societies that have attempted to reshape human nature have been noted for their ruthlessness.

战争的两位主角都是非常不平凡的人,而且他们在精力、决心和无情这三点上非常相似。The two protagonists were remarkable men, very alike in their energy, determination and ruthlessness.

哦,是的,他有着可与彼得抗争的冷酷无情的气息,但是他正派得会为自己的残忍而骇怕。Oh, yes, he had a streak of ruthlessness that rivaled Peter's, but he had the decency to be appalled by his own brutality.

就像一位家庭法律师曾经和我说的那样,“这场争夺战的无情程度,到了使得马基雅维利看来像是特丽莎嬷嬷的程度。”As one family law practitioner said to me, "There is a degree of ruthlessness that makes Machiavelli look like Mother Teresa."

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如果你对停止做某些事或做某个决定感到困难,那麽一点点的冷酷就是你所需要的。If you have problems with putting a stop to something or making decisions then a little bit more ruthlessness may be what you need.

自从入校以来,我就深深地意识到社会竞争的激烈性和残酷性。Went into ever since that time since school, I was aware of the vehemence and the ruthlessness of the social competition profoundly.

许多人说你们任性的削减不料竟会特别地打破,为大和成功渴望,甚至某人说你无情。The many people says you self-willed cut only to break particularly, crave for greatness and success , even someone says you ruthlessness.

塞尔维亚人承认两队主要的不同就是维拉的逼抢为自己赢得了机会。The Serbian admitted the main difference between the two sides was Villa's ruthlessness in taking the main opportunity that fell their way.

巴米扬空空洞洞的壁龛是一段冷酷残暴统治的证明,不应遗忘,但重建大佛形同某种抹煞历史。The empty niches of Bamiyan are testament to a ruthlessness that should not be forgotten — rebuilding the Buddhas would be a kind of erasure.

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她选取生活中的残酷主题,运用结构——解构的文学手法,在建构——消解中提炼悲剧精神。She selects the topic of ruthlessness within life and uses the literary skill of organization and anti-organization to refine the tragic spirit.

蔡美儿坦承自己是个严母,她有关父母威权的记述的确让人感到不安甚至震惊。Chua's reports from the trenches of authoritarian parenthood are indeed disconcerting, even shocking, in their candid admission of maternal ruthlessness.

“无情曾是真管理”应当逐步让位于情感管理。情感管理是一种立足于人性、人情而实施的一种新管理艺术。It's time that "ruthlessness as real management" were replaced by emotion management, which is a new management art based on humanity and human feelings.