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农夫的好伙伴儿。A good companion of Nung-fu.

科科是出色的伴侣。He is a wonderful companion.

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她是一位可靠的伴侣。She is a dependable companion.

我的可卡是只欢快的小狗。My dog is my perfect companion.

阿猫同伴也有帮助。A feline companion can also help.

若能成终身的伴侣。Can become my lifelong companion.

KMC是你可靠的伙伴。KMC is your dependable companion.

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她真是个唠叨、啰唆的伙伴。She is really a verbose companion.

牙牙是海格的宠物,也是伙伴。Fang is Hagrid's pet and companion.

献给你,我生命列车上的同行者。To you, my companion of life train.

他孤身一人,无人相陪。He is all alone without a companion.

你总想找一个伴儿陪你。You want to always be with a companion.

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他是与我甘苦与共的朋友。He was my companion in joy and in sorrow.

她转向她的同伴,他耸耸肩。She turned to her companion who shrugged.

是随随变变的两个人就可以做的成朋友的吧?A good companion is better than a fortune.

它的六世纪同伴高125英尺。Its sixth-century companion rose 125 feet.

贿赂是国家的伴生物。The bribery is the companion of the state.

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而且朋友声音愉快地指弹。And the companion voice thrummed agreeably.

他走开了一会儿又带回来一个同伴。He went off and came back with a companion.

他的旅伴是个古怪的人。His travelling companion is a queer person.