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这种梨花体会带来生意。That kind of alliteration will bring in the business.

我们知道,诗人一般总喜欢押头韵,觉得重复一个声音会产生美之效果。Poets as we know have always a made great use of alliteration.

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我们知道,诗人一般总喜欢押头韵,觉得重复一个声音会产生美的效果。Poets as we know have always a made great use of alliteration.

在理论上我们选择有点儿粗俗的头韵来帮助记忆。We chose alliteration on the theory a little vulgarity enhances memory.

最醒目的特征以它的诗形式是头韵的使用。The most striking feature in its poetical form is the use of alliteration.

这个范例文本中,头韵被普遍应用。Now this is an example of a text in which alliteration is plainly predominant.

押头韵则是通过重复相邻之间单词首个辅音实现的。Alliteration comes from repeating the initial constant sounds of close or adjoining words.

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头韵是一种语言的设备,它使用一系列的不同的单词都开始以同一个字母。Alliteration is a language device that uses several words in series that all begin with the same letter.

头韵是英语中最常用的修辞手法之一,具有节奏美和音韵美,能增强语言表现力。Alliteration is one of the most frequently used rhetorical devices in English. It is very expressive as a result of its rhythm and melody.

第二章回顾了作为头韵汉译理论基础的翻译补偿理论。In Chapter Two, theories on compensation are reviewed to form the theoretical foundation of translation of English alliteration into Chinese.

最后,除去偶然因素,上字与被切字双声叠韵也是一个重要原因。Finally, in spite of the accidental factors, an important reason is that Fanqie top words and the sliced words are alliteration and assonance.

实践充分利用汉语的多种语音修辞手法,可以再现英语头韵的艺术魅力。This paper proposes a variety of translation methods to reproduce the charm of English alliteration by making full use of the Chinese phonetic devices.

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广告人多在语音层面使用头韵,在句法层面使用祈使句,在修辞层面使用重复和排比。Advertisers tend to use alliteration at phonological level, imperative sentences at syntactical level and repetition and parallelism at rhetorical level.

二是对段落内的句子,译者成功运用头韵和半谐音等修辞手段再现原文的艺术表现力。The second is the sentences in paragraphs, the translator could successfully used such as alliteration and assonance rhetorical reproduction of the original artistic expression.