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奖学生能为扶轮社友做什麽?What we can do for rotary club?

旋转的鼓动者灌溉他。The rotary agitator irrigated him.

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旋转的鼓动者可灌溉的他。The rotary agitator irrigated him.

旋转的鼓动者使他恼怒。The rotary agitator irritated him.

将方钻杆提出钻盘面。Lift the kelly out from rotary table.

扶轮社还开办眼库。Rotary groups also operate eye banks.

电话是笨重的拨盘式的那种。The telephone is a heavy, rotary model.

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这种新型轮转印刷机印刷得很快。This new rotary press prints very rapidly.

钻柱是由转盘驱动的。The drill string is rotated by rotary table.

旋转翼飞行器有关的所有事项。All matters relating to rotary wing aircraft.

向你的派遣扶輪社索取數面社旗。Obtain banners from your sponsor Rotary club.

事故造成了三叉路口的交通堵塞。The accident blocked all traffic at the rotary.

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什麽是地区扶轮基金讲习会?What is the district Rotary Foundation seminar?

一种多工位旋转样品台。A multi-station rotary sample stage is disclosed.

这个旋转式洒水车由不透明的材料制成。This rotary sprinkles is made of opaque material.

谘询委员会、狮子会、扶轮社等。Advisory Committees, Lions Club, Rotary Club, etc.

旋转挤水设计、脱水不沾手。Rotary squeeze water design, dehydration left the.

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阿特金森循环的,可以用在转子发动机。The Atkinson cycle can be used in a rotary engine.

然后我使用旋转锉,你知道,让它有V型。Then I used the rotary rasp to, you know, V it out.

下钻时,我从来不用钻盘上扣。I've never made up by rotary table while running in.