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这是柏朗亚高永远的信条。This is "PAL ONGACO" credo forever.

在办公室中一个非正式的信条是“W.An unofficial credo around the office is “W.

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我们的宗旨是与客户建立一种服务伙伴的合作关系。TBC's credo is to be the service partner to its customers.

为您精心打造,助您迈向成功是帕诺人永远的信条!To be a roll booster for your success is our credo forever!

你在商学院学到的资本主义信条,在这里未必管用。Not exactly the capitalist credo you might pick up in business school.

共济会的这种信条的最早版本可追溯到1400年。The earliest version of this credo of the Freemasons , dates back to 1400.

霍尔顿博士称此信为“一个壮举”,“雄辩、精炼地表达了自己的信条”。Dr. Holton described the letter as “a feat of eloquent Credo in short form.”

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在你留在我住所的期间,我希望你能够记住并且遵守这个信条。While you remain on my farmstead, I ask that you remember and respect this credo.

克拉伦登勋爵的自由主义信条是他从事政治活动的一大基础。Lord Clarendon's liberal credo was one of the foundations of his political conduct.

我们从上两次的竞选中学到了很多,现在我们的信条是‘永不回头’。We are learning from the last two elections and we now have the credo ‘Never again.’

小道消息称,陈晓旭已遵守佛教的清规戒律达七年之久。An unconfirmed source adds that Chen Xiaoxu has been following the Buddhist life credo for seven years.

他们整天满口道德,满口信条一旦他们面对麻烦的时候,全都会抛得一干二净。They talk all day ethics, credo , once full of trouble when they face the whole city was completely thrown.

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里色尔把这句话当作座右铭。他希望,自己每天为了柔道付出的一切,将带他走向北京的金牌之路。Reser has made that his credo and he hopes that his everyday commitment to judo will lead to a gold in Beijing.

在作战时,收割者使用两把电磁手枪进攻,快速的火力印证了他们对于武器“火力快,火力猛”的信条。In combat, reapers attack with dual gauss pistols, the rapid-fire signature weapon of their "strike fast, strike hard" credo.

通过从戈壁黄沙和旅行家中获得灵感的米兰时装周男装展示,杰尼亚先生也表达了他对公司持续发展的信条。With a Milan menswear collection inspired by desert colors and by the traveling man, Mr. Zegna laid out his credo for sustainable growth.

这一信条了在公司的优先事项,这是使阿尔伯森头号美国杂货商另一大组成部分。This credo plays a large part in another of the company's priorities, which is to make Albertsons the number one grocer in the United States.

乐观、执著、拼搏是我的航标,在险滩处扯起希望的风帆,在激流中凸现勇敢的性格,是我人生的信条。Optimism, persistence, hard work is my beacon of hope in the rapids at sail hitches a ride in the whitewater highlighted in bold character, is my life credo.

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实际上,共和党的基本信条一贯是私营部门比政府好,再多的证据都不能动摇这种信条。It’s literally a fundamental article of faith in the G.O.P. that the private sector is always better than the government, and no amount of evidence can shake that credo.

金得知密函已藏七凤之一坐骑,与杨同往告七凤,凤搜索后,果见一张信条封。Gold is informed intimate letter already one of Cang Qifeng sit ride, go to with Yang Tong accuse 7 phoenix, phoenix after the search, see a piece of credo seal if really.

昨日,韩国著名变性艺人离开成都,飞赴上海某整形外科医院接受最先进的美容,以达到自己“没有最美,只有更美”的人生信条。Yesterday, the famous Korean artist degeneration left Chengdu, Shanghai, flew to a hospital for plastic surgery-the-art beauty, so as to achieve their "best not only more beautiful" credo of life.