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许多人都义愤填膺,溢于言表。Many were audibly outraged.

他阶段性的吸烟,还经常自言自语有时还能被听见,他有时还抽搐。Sometimes audibly. She may have a twitch.

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船骨在暴风雨中吱嘎作响。The ship's timbers groaned audibly during the storm.

她勉强笑了一笑,身体虚弱得连说话人家也听不见。Pumping up her smile, she was too weak to speak audibly.

当他出人意料地抢跑时,整个体育场都笑出声来。When he unexpectedly false started, he had the stadium audibly chuckling.

你可能正在疑惑,如果神不用声音说话,那祂如何说话?You may be wondering, If God does not speak audibly , how does He speak ?

一帘乌云在天空铺开,淅淅沥沥下了几滴雨。a curtain of cloud underspread the sky and a few drops of rain fell audibly.

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他的心怦怦跳着,痉挛的手死死地攥住电话听筒。His heart thumped audibly as his benumbed hand held the receiver in a desperate grip.

他将他的手指戳进砂砾中,抓起一把沙扔过自己并大声感谢神的保佑。He dug his fingers into the sand , threw it over himself in handfuls and audibly blessed it.

当然,或许我们已经不会再听见读出来的声音,或者仅仅动动嘴唇,但在我们的大脑中我们是在“将文字都给自己听”。Sure, maybewe no longer audibly sound them out, or even move our lips, but in our heads weare “reading to ourselves.”

上周,当可口可乐人审视着他们的日不落帝国的时候,他们的血液几乎因骄傲而沸腾。Last week, as Cokemen surveyed their empire, on which the sun never sets, their blood almost audibly fizzed with pride.

为了确保质量控制,目前电机厂多是通过操作者听电机声音判定噪声故障。In most cases, an operator listens to the motor and audibly detects the noise faults to guarantee on-line quality control.

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“一美元十一美分”苔丝用几乎听不见的声音答道,“这是我所有的钱,但如果需要的话,我还可以再拿到一些。”"One dollar and eleven cents," Tess answered barely audibly. "And it's all the money I have, but I can get some more if I need to.

若是前车减慢到某种程度时,系统会停止操作,并且以语音警告驾驶人必须接手开车。If the lead vehicle drops below a threshold speed, such as 15 miles per hour, the system deactivates and audibly warns the driver to take over.

戈尔很愤怒地回答道,他从投资中获得的每一分都将返还给他的非盈利基金以传播抗击气候变化知识。Gore, audibly riled, replied that every penny he made from his investments was put back into his non-profit foundation to spread knowledge about the climate challenge.

另外,她说话时有个毛病,就是口沫乱飞,以至于当她说“僻静”时,在她跟前,就像站在季风的中心。Furthermore, she possesses a speech impediment so audibly juicy that to be near her when she pronounces a word like "sequestered" is equivalent to standing at the center of a monsoon.

我倾听着,想听到屋里有女人的声音,我心里充满了狂乱的悔恨和凄凉的预感,我终于忍不住出声地叹息着,哭了。I listened to detect a woman's voice in the house, and filled the interim with wild regrets and dismal anticipations, which, at last, spoke audibly in irrepressible sighing and weeping.

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为支持关于无力的联邦规则讲话表征,RSA安全提供一个说话的表征以由于一个按钮的新闻媒体可听见地宣布证明密码。TALKING TOKENS In support of federal regulations regarding disabilities, RSA Security provides a talking token that with the press of a button audibly announces the authentication code.

无论是空中侦察还是无线电信号的侦听,美国情报部门都没有发现中国军队大规模进入北朝鲜。The entry of Chinese troops in force into North Korea was not picked up by United Nations intelligence, neither visually by aerial reconnaissance nor audibly by intercepts of radio signals.

“我不会得到安息的,”凯瑟琳哀哭着,感到她身体的衰弱,因为在这场过度的激动下,她的心猛烈地、不规则地跳动着,甚至跳得能觉察出来。I shall not be at peace,' moaned Catherine, recalled to a sense of physical weakness by the violent, unequal throbbing of her heart, which beat visibly and audibly under this excess of agitation.