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我们得分离一段日子。We have to segregate for a few day.

自体受精不能分离纯合的生理小种。Homozygous races do not segregate on selfing.

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杂质常常在晶粒间界偏析。Impurities tend to segregate at grain boundaries.

难道这样对种族、收入或年龄等各种偏见的隔离有好处吗?Is it ever good to segregate on the basis of race, income or age?

黑药和镁的混合物具有离析的倾向。Mixture of black powder and magnesium has a tendency to segregate.

水库工程由围坝、二级湖堤、山口隔堤、进出湖闸等组成。The reservoir consists of bounded bank, secondary lake bank, segregate intake gate.

为什么只为残疾人士提供一个入口呢?Why in the world would you segregate people with disabilities to only one entrance?

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与酸和形成酸的物质隔离。与食品和动物饲料隔离。Segregate from acids and acid-forming substances. Segregate from foods and animal feeds.

究竟是什么因素导致了美术教师教育中学术性与师范性的分离?。What factors generate the segregate of academic and educability in art teachers education?

您可以使用它们来隔离在不同环境中部署的服务端点。You can use them to segregate service endpoints that are deployed in different environments.

分业经营还是混业经营,一个争论的焦点就是风险和效率的问题。The controversial focus about segregate management and mixed management is risk and efficiency.

例如,一个电力厂可把它的顾客区分成工业顾客和居民顾客。A power firm, for example, might segregate its industrial customers from its residential customers.

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原保险合同是指投保人与保险人原始订立的合同。It can segregate the risk, however, it is different from the coinsurance and the original insurance.

丁氏以漆黑流畅的轮廓线条钩勒雕像,分隔虚实空间。The smooth, solid black lines render the status in silhouette and segregate the virtual and real space.

压圈原材料中心疏松及锭型偏析是导致裂纹形成的主要原因。The results showed that central porosity and ingot shape segregate were the major causes of the cracking.

贵司是确认接收的材料不能满足你们的要求是如何分隔这些不体格品的?D. How do you segregate the material after receipt if it is determined it does not meet your requirements?

油能与水分开,是因为油分子之间的作用比油水分子间的作用强。Oils segregate out of water because the oil-oil interaction is more favorable than the oil-water interaction.

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很多早期的尝试使用瘦内核方法把实时任务与标准内核分离。Numerous early attempts used a thin-kernel approach to segregate the real-time tasks from the standard kernel.

油能与水分开,是因为油分子之间的作用比油水分子间的作用强。Oils segregate out of water because the oil-oil interaction is more favorable than the oil-water interaction.

这将限制您根据品牌或地理等因素隔离客户对商店访问的能力。This limits your ability to segregate customer's access to stores based on reasons such as branding or geography.