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就是被那几个淫贼打伤的。It's hurt by the perverted thieves.

他的坏伙伴使其走入邪路。He was perverted by his evil companions.

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国家的警察力量伴随着它也一起被扭曲了!And the police powers of the state perverted along with it!

此后,凡背弃约言的,都是罪人。If any turn back after this, they are perverted transgressors.

基督教是已经照耀人类的体系中最不梗直的体系。Christiaity is the most perverted system that ever shone on Ma!

那骄傲、狂妄并恶道,以及乖谬的口,都为我所恨恶。Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate.

特别是当你在最变态性一个可以想到的!Especially when you're after the most perverted sex one can think of!

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对行列式符号的使用完全反常。See, that is really a completely perverted use of a determinant notation.

如果她有听进我的忠告,现在就不用担心那个变态的傢伙了。If she took my advice, she wouldn't have worries about the perverted guy now.

平面镜中所看到的物体与实际物体是左右颠倒的。An object as viewed in a plain mirror is perverted from its actual appearance.

若长养知识,却徒增嫉妒与五毒,也是徒劳。It is futile to develop perverted knowledge that increases envy and the other five poisons.

一些反对法案的议员认为,如此严厉的禁烟法案涉嫌妨碍个人自由。Members that are against the bill, so tough anti-smoking bill perverted individual freedom.

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不要把我看成是一个不大正常的电子图表使用者,我喜欢任何形式与形状的形象化信息。Dont think of me as a perverted spreadsheet user, I like visualizations in any form or shape.

耶稣说,一切的邪恶都出自“心“,堕落的心灵。Verses 28-32 "Out of the heart", the perverted mind, Jesus said, springs all manner of wickedness.

罗得拒绝把他的天使交给变态的淫民,反而把自己的两个“处女女儿”献出来。Lot refuses to give up his angels to the perverted mob, offering his two "virgin daughters" instead.

但事实是,它在巩固这个贫困,因为这是它自身造成的。But the fact is that it is entrenching this poverty. It loves poverty for perverted reasons of its own.

他说,更重要的是,这意味着小默多克可能是有意误导司法进程,这在英国是犯罪行为。More importantly, he says, it means Murdoch may have perverted the course of justice, a crime in Britain.

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他们当中有一派人,曾听到真主的言语,他们既了解之后,便明知故犯地加以篡改。Seeing that a party of them heard the Word of Allah, and perverted it knowingly after they understood it.

他儿子不行他的道,贪图财利,收受贿赂,屈枉正直。And his sons walked not in his ways, but turned aside after lucre, and took bribes, and perverted judgment.

但现在一个恶魔般的设计,变态的古老,神秘的仪式,以建立新的秸秆夜间傀儡。But now a diabolical design has perverted the ancient, mystical rites to forge new Golems that stalk the night.