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之所以孕育出这么伟大在人。In the gestate so great.

他们不用孕育或哺乳。They don't gestate or lactate.

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外国人不能得以体现陡坡上。Aliens can not gestate on steep slopes.

仪式孕育了道德教育的情感。Third, the rites gestate the feelings of moral education.

秋是一个硕果累累的季节,我们却有要孕育新的果实。Autumn is full of achievement, but we should gestate the new fruitage.

1980年代日本泡沫经济的虚假繁荣颇为平静地孕育了一批1950年代出生的建筑师。A group of architects born in 1950 gestate in the bubble economy of 1980s.

研究结果表明,该天然含钒金红石孕育有良好的光催化活性。It is certain that the natural rutile can gestate good photocatalysis activity.

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电子商务的技术性和潜在的经济利益孕育了电子商务专利。Technicality and potential economic interest of E-commerce gestate the E-commerce patent.

古代是教学语用学思想的孕育和形成时期。It was in ancient times that the thought of pedagogical pragmatics began to gestate and form.

幼儿的嬉戏行为孵化着幽默,同时又是幽默的初显。Yong frolicking behaviors not only gestate humor, but also are the original display of humor.

幼儿的嬉戏行为孵化着幽默,同时又是幽默的初显。Young frolicking behaviors not only gestate humor, but also are the original display of humor.

如果鲍尔默和公司对iPad的反应要持续那么久的话,2013年底才会提出平板电脑。If Ballmer & Co.'s answer to the iPad were to gestate for that long, it wouldn't pop until late 2013.

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宁波历史上发达的商业文化培育了宁波帮文化价值取向。The academic culture of Zhe Dong gestate them, and the history of developed commercial culture foster them.

社会大背景,龙先生的个人孜孜以求,孕育了形象志的诞生的最佳契机。The social background and Mr. Long's assiduous pursuit gestate the best opportunity for the introduce of Imagery Annals.

大量的石构建筑形成了惠安沿海居民住宅的特殊风貌。A vast amount of stone buildings gestate the characteristic style and features of residential building in Huian coastal areas.

无穷天际,一颗孕育数十亿生命的行星仍然沿特定轨道默默地移动,那就是双子国星球的生活星。Horizon without end, a planet gestate billions of life that still along special orbit peaceful. There's Life Star of Double Stars.

中国的地大物博孕育着千万华夏子孙,并促成了一种独特的民族“集体无意识”——“乡土情结”的形成。The vast territory and abundant resources of China gestate the offspring, and cause the form of the special "ethical collective unconsciousness"—"local complex".

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不同的土地文化孕育了不同的经济模式,呈现出不同的宅田关系,对聚落形态产生不同的影响。Different types of land cultures gestate different economic models and show different homestead relationships, which has different influences on settlement pattern.

腾冲地处滇西南边陲,当地特殊的自然、人文环境孕育了县内地域特征显著的传统聚落。Tengchong is at the southwest of Yunnan province, there are so many particular nature resource and social culture that gestate the traditional settlements in the county.