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梨泰院杀人事件。The Case of Itaewon Homicide. 2009.

美国的杀人案率是每10万人口中,有6.3人被谋杀。It's homicide rate is 6.3 per 100, 000.

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一个杀人案仅仅有个人保证书……Personal recognizance for a homicide case.

警察赶到了凶案现场。The police arrived at the site of homicide.

土地依旧被不正当的杀戮所玷污。The land is also defiled by illicit homicide.

杀人案率是每10万人口中,1.8人被谋杀。Its homicide rate is 1.8 per 100, 000 population.

琼斯是一名负责严重刑事侦缉的侦探。Jones is a police detective from the Homicide squad.

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在这些地区的杀人率最近达到平衡。Homicide rates in those areas have recently plateaued.

你知道杀人案有多少明显的证据吗?You know how many orgies I had as a homicide cop , Gordon?

霍先生,我是为了一件命案来请教你的。你怎。Mr. Huo, I ask yours for the sake of a homicide case. You how.

这个数量是死于谋杀犯罪案人数的两倍。That is twice as many as will be murdered in crimes of homicide.

警察称这位前美国足联的四分卫的死亡是一起谋杀案。Police are calling the former NFL quarterback's death a homicide.

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青少年杀人比例在不同国家之间及一国之内相差悬殊。Youth homicide rates vary dramatically between and within countries.

道尔坚持自己终结福尔摩斯的生命是有理有据的。Doyle insisted his finishing off Holmes was a "justifiable homicide".

她是六个月前刚从缉毒科调过来的。Shehad transferred to Homicide from Vice and Narcotics six months ago.

方法回顾性分析近年来已破获的4例凶杀碎尸案档案资料。Method the data about 4 cases of homicide are retrospectively analyzed.

公诉人认为,张红涉嫌故意杀人罪。Prosecutors believe that Hong suspected of committing the crime of homicide.

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每年估计有31000名15岁以下儿童被杀害。Every year, there are an estimated 31 000 homicide deaths in children under 15.

如果他们发现戴夫是德国人,他敢肯定他们会杀了他。When they found out that Dave was German he was sure they would commit homicide.

警方告诉CNN,驾驶员讲以杀人罪和酒后驾车被逮捕。The driver was arrested for culpable homicide and drunk driving, police told CNN.