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现在全力转动扳手。Now turn the wrench fully.

这就是你的扳手。Here is the wrench you did.

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你能复制这个扳手吗?Could you reproduce the wrench?

他用板手松开了螺栓。He used a wrench to loosen the bolt.

喂,比尔,把这扇窗板撬开。Here, Bill, wrench the shutter open.

罗多维科把他手里的剑夺下来。Lodovico. Wrench his sword from him.

没错,一个五脏俱全的扳手。Yeah, there is a real wrench out there.

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现在设想一下使用一个套筒扳手。Now consider being given a socket wrench.

用来关闭煤气和自来水的可调扳手Adjustable wrench for turning off gas and water.

可点击扳手图标来修改其设置。Click on the Wrench icon to change its settings.

她绊了一跤,把脚崴得很疼。She stumbled and gave her ankle a painful wrench.

他跳下去的时候扭伤了足踝。He gave a wrench to his ankle when he jumped down.

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把手伸到粉末里把你的扳手拿出来。Just reach into the powder and pull out your wrench.

合适充气的备胎、千斤顶和轮胎扳手。Properly inflated spare tire, jack and wheel wrench.

管子工拿出一把扳手拧紧了螺栓。The plumber took out a wrench and tightened the bolt.

那只讨厌的高跟鞋一歪,把我狠狠地扭了一下。That stupid high heel turned and gave me a sad wrench.

点击扳手图标,在菜单里找到选项。Click the wrench icon and select Options from the menu.

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他从梯子上摔下时扭伤了手肘。He gave his elbow a wrench when he fell off the ladder.

用洗槽扳手卸掉水龙头下方的螺丝。Unscrew the nuts below the faucet using a basin wrench.

把管钳子给我好的你能跟上吗?。Hand me that socket wrench. All right, you with me so far?