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如需转介或查询详情,请联络莎莉自然疗法医疗中心。For referral or details, pls. contact Shirley Naturopathic Holistic Centre.

如需转介或查询详情,请联络莎莉自然疗法医疗中心。For referral or check details, pls. contact Shirley Naturopathic Holistic Centre.

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阿瓦罗索拉博士是一名自然疗法医生,在加利福尼亚南部有着丰富的实践经验。Dr. Alvaro Sauza is a Naturopathic Doctor with a thriving practice in southern California. Dr.

根据自然疗法医生,托里哈德森博士的观点,并没有证据证明女同性恋患乳癌的风险更大。Tori Hudson, Naturopathic Physician, it is uncertain whether or not lesbians get more breast cancer.

我国自然医生建议Sensitille而且正是我们需要重新开始我们的性生活。My naturopathic doctor recommended Sensitille and it was just what we needed to re-start our sex life.

情况也许是这样,利维诺维兹利用自然医学周来介绍他的文章,而这是错误的。Be that as it may, Levinovitz uses Naturopathic Medicine Week to introduce his article, and it's a mistake.

找一位懂自然疗法专业医生来帮助你重新建立、纠正、平衡你的荷尔蒙分泌通道。Seek a medical professional like a naturopathic doctor to help you reestablish correct and balance hormonal pathways.

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中医自然疗法医疗调理,所有慢性病与病症,归因由淤堵引起。In the Chinese Naturopathic medicine medical conditioning, all the chronic diseases and disorders caused due to the clogging.

我们的宗旨是通过指压理疗和自然疗法帮助客户提高工作和生活质量。We help people with WMSD to heal through massage therapy and naturopathic support to enhance their work and after-work lives.

该网站介绍了有关自然疗法的一些基本情况,包括药物,教育,对医生的要求等等。The naturopathic medicine network introduces something about naturopathic medicine, naturopathic education, naturopathic physician and so on.

网站提供了对自然疗法的基本介绍,详细介绍了某些具体治疗方法,并提供有一些天然药物信息相关网址链接。This website gave some introduction on the Naturopathic Medicine and some therapies. And some reference websites of Natural Medicine Information are offered.

他是堪萨斯主任传统堪萨斯临床医学威奇塔和自然疗法医生协会的建国之父的美国人。He is the director of the Kansas Clinic of Traditional Medicine in Wichita, Kansas and a founding father of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

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该网站描述了有关“健康参考”的有关信息,该机构是由几个物理疗法的医生创建的。This site describes something about HealthRef, which is founded by some Naturopathic physicians, Deborah A. Wiancek, N. D. , Eric Yarnell, N. D. and Claus D. Tjaden, Ph. D.

自然疗法的医师主张处于慢性病恢复期的患者大量食用西兰花,因为业已表明西兰花类的蔬菜可以加速这类患者的康复。Naturopathic physicians recommend generous daily servings of broccoli to patients recuperating from a lengthy illness, as this veggie has been shown to speed their return to good health.