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纳米技术也同样存在一些负作用。Several disadvantageous effects of nanotechnologies also exist.

另外,技术水平是民营医疗利用的不利因素。Moreover, the technique level is a disadvantageous factor of PMP.

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这对本病的预防和早期治疗非常不利。This is the disease prevention and early treatment is very disadvantageous.

从没有任何国家毁于贸易,甚至是那些看起来最不划算的贸易。No nation was ever ruined by trade, even seemingly the most disadvantageous.

这些问题的存在,对经济产生极为不利的影响。To these questions, has the extremely disadvantageous influence to the economy.

而扑动翼翼型弯度的增加不利于推力特性的提高。It is disadvantageous to thrust characteristic through increase camber of airfoil.

出门之前真该看看黄历,今天的日子一定是不利出行。Really should see Huang Li ahead going out, today's day must be disadvantageous line.

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如果你的英语不好,那么在找工作时你就会处于很不利的地位。If your English is not good, you can be at a disadvantageous position when finding jobs.

KT的使用显著降低了棉花体细胞胚的生根率、生芽率、葫发率及再生植株率。KT was disadvantageous to the germination and plant formation of cotton somatic embryos.

因此认为对于在不利地形条件下工作的结构应进行必要的风动力分析。Therefore dynamic analysis are necessary for structures working in the disadvantageous landform.

这个动作会让你木在原地,很可能你站在了一个非常不利的位置上。The move basically locked you in a standstill, putting you at an even more disadvantageous position.

这将使我国未来经济发展面临极为不利的外部环境。Hence, China will face very disadvantageous exterior surroundings in the future economic development.

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在城市化过程中,我们将遇到各种有利和不利因素。In the process of urbanization, we will come across a kind of advantageous and disadvantageous factors.

所得税的重复征税对储蓄、投资、企业融资决策均有不利影响。The re-collected income tax is disadvantageous to saving, investment and financing decision for businesses.

和笔译相比,口译涉及到一系列不利因素和有利因素。Compared with written translation, interpretation involves a lot of advantageous and disadvantageous factors.

在我国,银行保险的发展既有有利因素,也有不利因素。In China, there are both advantageous and disadvantageous factors affecting the development of bancassurance.

其中的关键是打破结实率与每穗总粒数之间的不利相关。The key point is to break the disadvantageous correlation of filled grains percentage and spikelets per panicle.

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赵铁柱晦气的站起身,要是在这里打起来,容易殃及旁边的人。The station of Zhao Tie Zhu's disadvantageous starts, whether blow here, effortless Yang and the person of flank.

护理人员工作职业特点对健康不利的影响,护理人员心理压力大。The disadvantageous impact of occupation on their health puts nursing personnel under great psychological pressure.

光复会在辛亥革命时期起过作用,但过于强调地方、强调传统,产生了不利的一面。The Guangfu Association played an important role in Xinhai Revolution, but also exerted some disadvantageous influence.