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精彩的一门课。Excellent class.

庄稼长得真棒。The crops are excellent.

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门门都是优秀。They were all excellent.

我想成为优秀的人。I wanted to be excellent.

安东尼,霍普金斯,棒极了。Anthony Hopkins excellent.

这酒味道好极了。The wine tastes excellent.

好太棒了,非常好Good. Excellent. Very good.

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他生来记性好。He has an excellent memory.

回答得真好。That's an excellent answer.

形势一派大好。The situation is excellent.

这是一对优秀的组合。This is an excellent match.

这是一对优秀的搭档。This is an excellent union.

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那家餐馆棒极了!The restaurant was excellent.

这是一种杰出的品质。This is an excellent quality.

安全飞行,满意服务!Saft flight Excellent service.

他有窖藏佳酿。He has an excellent wine-cellar.

李红是一位好教师。Li Hong is an excellent teacher.

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我妻子是一个非常好的当家人。My wife is an excellent manager.

这里一定是块风水宝地。The geography here is excellent.

简是一位非常出色的女性。Jane was a very excellent female.