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因此提防。Beware therefore.

所以A导致了。B Therefore As cause Bs.

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我舞故我在。I dance, therefore I am.

因此,尚存在著一个怀疑。A doubt exists therefore.

我思故我在"I think, therefore I am."

小风为此伤透了心。Small wind therefore torn.

因此,我将称他为陈先生。Therefore I will call him Mr.

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所以相对论是真的。Therefore relativism is true.

因此我被他吸引了。Therefore that fascinates me.

我毁,故我灭。我灭,故我不毁。I destroy, therefore I am not.

因此,你应该爱它才对!You ought to therefore love it!

从而找到受苦的意义。Therefore to find meaning in it.

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因此它看上去美极了。And therefore it looks beautiful.

因此我得亲手采取行动。I must act for myself, therefore.

如果那么的形式,所以。The form is if then , therefore.

因此,效率是一种妄想。Efficiency is therefore a chimera.

他杀了人,因此我杀了他。He killed, therefore I killed him.

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因此,我将称他为陈先生。Therefore I will call him Mr. Chen.

所以才叫钢城,对不对?Therefore it's a Steel City, right?

因此这个要价是合理的。Therefore the price was reasonable.