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你真怪。You are so weird.

我穿着怪异的衣服。I wear weird clothes.

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而且,这还有些怪异。Also it’s a bit weird.

就是说他有一点儿怪怪的。He is just sorta weird.

有件诡异的事情Here's the weird thing.

为什么梦如此怪异?Why are dreams so weird?

我更喜欢怪异的东西。I prefer the weird stuff.

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这是所神秘而可怕的旧宅。It was a weird old house.

我认为每个人都是怪咖。I think everybody's weird.

那有什么好奇怪的?What’s so weird about that?

他只是用些很奇怪的东西。He is just using weird stuff.

当时我的情绪很不正常。I was in a really weird mood.

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他总有一些怪念头。He always has some weird ideas.

他的奇装异服真使我笑死了。His weird clothes really gas me.

在中国有股奇怪的味道。There is a weird smell in China.

我只是觉得这样会很奇怪。I just think that's really weird.

你能看出它哪里邪门吗?Can you see what's weird about it?

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我会长金发是一件特别奇怪的事,It's weird that I had blonde hair,

有些男人就是介意女性付账,这真奇怪。Some guys have this weird hang-up.

这又是一种愚民言论吧。The time is full of weird remarks.