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手术中在硬膜外或硬膜内都有可能损伤神经根。Be in the operation outside putamen or nerve root is injured likely inside putamen.

对蛛网膜粘连者可切开硬膜减压并分离粘连。To arachnoid adhesion person can dissection putamen decompression is detached adhesion.

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硬膜外麻醉分娩镇痛能一直持续到孩子出生吗?Can anaesthetic childbirth analgesia last to the child to be born all the time outside putamen ?

脑脊液及硬膜囊均表现为低信号强度,呈黑色。Cerebrospinal fluid and putamen bursa all are behaved for low signal intensity, darkly is lubricious.

我们在此报道了一例伴有壳核梗塞的类精神分裂症样精神病患者。We report on an interesting case of schizophrenia-like psychosis in a patient with a putamen infarct.

椎内静脉位于椎管与硬膜之间,形成硬膜外静脉丛。The vein inside vertebra is located in between vertebra canal and putamen , form clump of the vein outside putamen.

纹状体包括壳核和尾状核,是富含多巴胺能投射结构的皮层下结构。The striatum composed of putamen and caudate nucleus is the subcortical area that contains rich dopamine projections.

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黑质的谷氨酸和GABA可能通过影响尾壳核DMT1-IRE和HP的表达影响纹状体尾壳核的铁代谢。Glutamate and GABA in the substantia nigra may affect iron metabolism through DMT1-IRE and HP in the caudate putamen nucleus.

放射学表现包括基底节区脑实质钙化,尤其是壳核和丘脑。Radiological manifestations include parenchymal calcification within the basal ganglia, specifically the putamen and thalamus.

“憎恨回路”中的壳核和脑岛两个区域在人们看到喜欢的人时也会活动。The brain activity also occurred in the putamen and insula, two areas activated when people viewed the face of a loved person.

蛛网膜下腔出血,硬膜下血肿,硬膜外血肿的鉴别诊断及治疗?。Arachnoid haemorrhage finishing speech, putamen issues haematoma, of the haematoma outside putamen differentiate diagnose reach cure?

目的为高血压性脑出血好发生于壳核的原因提供形态学依据。Objective\ To supply the morphological basis for explaining the fact that hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage more often seen in putamen.

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结论黑质的谷氨酸和GABA可能通过影响尾壳核DMT1-IRE和HP的表达影响纹状体尾壳核的铁代谢。Conclusion Glutamate and GABA in the substantia nigra may affect iron metabolism through DMT1-IRE and HP in the caudate putamen nucleus.

由于现代诊断技术的迅猛发展,硬膜下积液能够很快确诊。As a result of the swift and violent development of modern diagnostic technology, fluid is accumulated below putamen can very fast diagnose.

此种方法暴露困难,可由于在硬膜外操作,术后不易并发蛛网膜粘连。This kind of method reveals difficulty, because be outside putamen , can operate, art hind erupts simultaneously not easily arachnoid adhesion.

当头部两侧骨折时,可能会伤及脑膜中动脉或脑膜中静脉,引起急性或慢性硬膜外血肿。Pawn ministry when two side fracture, may hurt the vein in reaching meningeal median or meninx, cause the haematoma outside acute or chronic putamen.

硬膜外激素封闭疗法是广泛应用于临床的一种治疗腰椎间盘突出症的方法。The hormone outside putamen closes therapeutics is to apply extensively at the method of protrusion of the intervertebral disc of clinical waist of a kind of cure.

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作为纹状体的一部分,壳核区内腔隙性梗塞的CT脑扫描结果显示,器质性病因可能在急性精神病发作中发挥作用。The lacunar infarct in the putamen area, a part of the striatum, on the CT brain scan indicates a possible role of organic cause in the onset of the acute psychosis.

目的评价CT引导下经皮硬膜外靶位注射胶原酶治疗腰椎间盘脱出的作用及效果。Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effects of collagenase chemonucleolysis injection on lumbar intervertebral disc extrusion by percutaneous putamen in CT position.

无核荔枝是荔枝中较为珍贵的品种,有丰富的假种皮,种子多退化,属焦核品系。The nuclear-free Litchi is a more valuable variety in Litchis . It has rich spurious seed' coat, more of the seeds have degenerated, so it belongs to the small putamen type.