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因为马克思首先是一个革命家。For Mark was before all else a revolutionist.

对马克思而言,他最重要的身份是革命家。For Marx was before all else a revolutionist.

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他是中国有名的文学家、思想家和革命家。He is well-known author, thinker in China and revolutionist.

张闻天不仅是一个伟大的无产阶级革命家。Zhang Wen day is a great proletarian revolutionist not only.

那位革命者为避免被捕在地下躲藏了几个星期。The revolutionist eluded capture for weeks by hiding underground.

革命者是推动社会前进的开路先锋。The revolutionist is the trailblazer who moves the society forward.

张闻天是一位杰出的无产阶级革命家和理论家。Zhang Wentian was an outstanding proletarian revolutionist and theorist.

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杨毓麟是辛亥革命时期杰出的资产阶级民主革命家、宣传家。Yang Yu lin was a famous bourgeois democratic revolutionist and propagator.

粟裕是一位伟大的无产阶级革命家、杰出的军事家。Suyu was a great proletarian revolutionist and an outstanding military scientist.

这些建议体现了一位杰出的无产阶级革命家超凡智慧和远见卓识。These suggestions show the great wisdom and foresight of a proletariat revolutionist.

张闻天是伟大的马克思主义者、无产阶级革命家、理论家。Zhang Wentian was a great Marxian, proletarian revolutionist and theorist in history.

蔡元培是中国近代历史上伟大的民主革命家、思想家、教育家。Caiyuanpei is a great democratic revolutionist educationist thinker in chinese modern history.

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今年是老一辈无产阶级革命家彭真诞辰100周年。This year is birthday of Peng Zhen of revolutionist of older generation proletariat 100 years.

鲁迅,原名周树人,是中国著名的作家,思想家,评论家和革命主义者。Lu Xun, formerly known as Zhou Shuren, was China's famous writer, thinker, critic and revolutionist.

他对二次大战的认识甚为精辟,而且很有预见性,显示了其职业革命家的远见和卓识。His incisive and fore sighted view indicated his foresight and sagacity as a vocational revolutionist.

周恩来同志既是伟大的革命家政治家,又是伟大的谈判家。Zhou En comes the revolutionist politician with like-minded great since, it is great negotiation home.

上述比较反映出革命行动家和“有学问的革命家”的差异。All of the above reflected the difference between the revolutionary actor and the learned revolutionist.

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秋瑾不仅是近代史上一位杰出的女革命家,更是近代妇女解放的先驱。Qiujin was not only an outstanding female revolutionist but also a forerunner of women's liberation in modern history.

红军草鞋是我们的祖先和革命先辈留给我们的宝贵物质财富和精神财富。The red army straw sandal is precious material wealth and spiritual wealth. which ancestor and revolutionist gave to us.

在长期的革命生涯中,他同老一辈革命家有着密切的交往和深厚的友谊。In long-term revolutionary career, he is having intimate contact and deep friendship with older generation revolutionist.