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它是一场非常艰难的比赛,韦斯特说。It's a very tough matchup , West said.

这是热火队一直想要的比赛。This is the matchup the Heat wanted all along.

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他们在这种匹配下有更多的经验。They were much more experienced in this kind of matchup.

Gsl的比赛结果的统计结果会决定平衡调整么?Q. Does GSL's race matchup statistics cause any changes in balancing?

犹他爵士队的一个优势就是它的控球后卫,德隆威廉姆斯。The one matchup advantage for Utah is its point guard, Deron Williams.

你对于湖人和凯尔特人的比赛怎么看呢?How would you break down the matchup between the Lakers and the Celtics?

我期待着和活塞的比赛,希望那场比赛比鲁普斯依然不能上场。Im looking forward to the Pistons matchup. Hopefully, no Billups for them.

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费舍尔知道如果去应对这一对位,他将会限制龙多的发挥。Fisher knows how to handle this matchup and will limit Rondo 's production.

尽管有形态学和遗传学上的吻合,它们在外貌上却有所不同。There are differences in appearance, despite the morphometric and genetic matchup.

马刺队与掘金队的首轮对决,肯定将演化成为“阵地战”与“快攻战”之间的经典战例。The Spurs face a harrowing first-round matchup with Denver, one of the hottest teams in the NBA.

联盟两大顶尖教练——湖人的杰克逊与马刺的波波维奇之间的对抗。A matchup of the top two coaches in the league, the Lakers' Phil Jackson and the Spurs' Gregg Popovich.

而且中锋位置上要与霍华德对位,与魔术队的比赛是对目前球队打法的一次严峻考验。And as with the matchup with Dwight Howard, the Magic offered a very tough test of the progress so far.

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奥登将错过星期天与榜眼凯文杜兰特所在的西雅图超音速交锋。Oden will miss Sunday's matchup with Seattle that would have pitted him against No. 2 pick Kevin Durant.

显然今晚斯塔普斯中心两队的对抗不仅仅只是一场例行的比赛,还有其他节目呢。Certainly tonight's matchup at Staples Center is being treated with more than a passing nod in some circles.

渣科从2008年总决赛起就防守朗多,但是那时的湖人对于这样的凯子能做的很少。Bryant has guarded Rondo since the 2008 Finals, but the Lakers said as little as they could about the matchup.

你首盘获胜的唯一赌注,就是尽可能地保住你的小命。Your best bet to win the first game in this matchup is just to do everything you can to maintain your life total.

考虑到他们在对位上的顽疾,也许波特兰和丹佛都有机会在首轮送他们回家钓鱼。Throw in some specific matchup problems, and either Portland or Denver has the potential to send Dallas home early.

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王和李的较量是值得注意的,在这20年来还没有5胜0负的投手彼此较量过。The matchup of Wang and Lee was notable, as no pitchers 5-0 or better had squared off against each other in 20 years.

几个月来,观众们一直期待让拥有67胜战绩的马刺队与73胜的勇士队在最终对决。For months, we've been looking forward to the seemingly inevitable matchup between the 67-win Spurs and 73-win Warriors.

雄鹿队似乎总是会给湖人队带来麻烦,这个赛季前期他们曾在密尔沃基击败湖人。The bucks always seem to provide a difficult matchup for the lakers , as seen in their momentum stymieing win against l.