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大师无动于衷。The Master was unmoved.

他,岿然不动,注视她。And he, unmoved , regarded her.

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与此同时,谷歌仍然无动于衷。Google, meanwhile, will remain unmoved.

然而审理此案的法官——当地一位司令官对此无动于衷。Her judge, a local Taliban commander, was unmoved.

藤村为人沉着冷静,无论遇到什么事都不为所动”。Fujimura man calm, no matter what things are unmoved.

当我跟维奇诺提及这些时,他却不为所动。When I relate such findings to Vicino, he is unmoved.

沃尔什和联合工会激战正酣,而伊比利亚却对此不感兴趣。Iberia seems unmoved by Mr Walsh's fight with the union.

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她同样不为别的玩具所动。When offered dolls or other toys, she is equally unmoved.

云雾仿佛击败了山蛮,山蛮却屹立依然。The mountain remains unmoved at its seeming defeat by the mist.

群山外貌上被云雾挫败,现实上永远岿然未动。The mountain remains unmoved in its seeming defein by the mist.

信仰的力量沉静而坚定,彷如飓风中不移之叶。The power of faith is quiet. It is the leaf unmoved by the hurricane.

安德烈公爵不能漠不关心地望着从他身旁走过的各营官兵的旗帜。Prince Andrey could not look unmoved upon the flags of the passing battalions.

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场对华盛顿围绕债务上限问题的政治活剧显然无动于衷。Markets were remarkably unmoved by Washington's political theater over the debt ceiling.

当局并不为之所动,而威林汉在于2004年2月17日被注射处死。The authorities were unmoved. Willingham was executed by lethal injection on Feb. 17, 2004.

我重重地关房门,可是无论多大的动静,他们还是自顾自地开心,丝毫不为所动。I shut the door numerous, but no matter what happened, they co-ordination and happy, no unmoved.

但曾某却不为所动,自行用杉木做简易加固后,继续对外招收老人。But Cengmou remained unmoved , so easy to use pine reinforced, continued external recruitment elderly.

辩才无碍,菩萨在口才上没有任何阻碍,他没有变过。In unhindered knowledge of eloquence, the Bodhisattva-mahasattva has no hindrance in oratory, and is unmoved.

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无论拿巴戈帕尔先生怎样微笑,dwirepha这个词,就像一只吃多了蜜而醉的蜜蜂,粘在原地,一动不动。However Nabagopal Babu might smile, the word dwirepha, like a bee drunk with honey, stuck to its place, unmoved.

然而,这种积极的参与仅仅是在用户的现象中进行的,他们的身体并未移动。However, these active participations take place solely in the user's imagination, leaving his or her body unmoved.

死亡是美丽之母,会凋零的事物才可能会美丽,这就是为何我们不被人造花感动。Death is the mother of beauty. Only the perishable can be beautiful, which is why we are unmoved by artificial flowers.