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是预防脸上的斑还是身上的纹呢?Is to prevent the face or body stria spot it?

手纹不好,不代表孩子的命不好。Stria bad hand, bad does not mean that a child's life.

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血管纹的边缘细胞呈强阳性反应。Marginal cells of stria vascularis show positive reaction.

是一朵娇艳盛放的菊花,纹在左腰。Jiao-Yan is one of chrysanthemums in full bloom, in the stria left.

工厂生产黑色软牛皮和荔枝纹皮皮具有很大成本优势。Factory production Black soft leather and litchi stria Pipi great cost advantage.

半成品有筒纱、纹纱,全部采用国际标准的环保染料染色。Semi-finished products have, stria yarn, full use of international standards of environmental protection dye.

声损伤降低耳蜗各区域GR的表达,以血管纹、螺旋韧带最明显。Acoustic trauma could decrease GR expression in all positions of cochlea, particularly in spiral ligament and stria vascularis.

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结论C57小鼠血管纹NKCC1蛋白表达随年龄增长而减少,可能与年龄相关性听力损失具有一定相关性。Conclusion Expression of NKCC1 in stria vascularis of C57 mice decreases with age. This may comtribute to age-related hearing loss.

卷草纹的全围运用,凸显欧洲古典韵味,以永恒的经典主题,让厨卫空间瞬间游荡艺术气息。Stria Wai-wide use, highlighting the European classical charm to eternal classic theme, so that kitchen space moments wandering art.

肩部绘卷草纹和下垂云肩纹,云肩内绘缠枝菊纹,云肩纹间饰卷草纹。The shoulder painted stria and drooping cloud shoulder lines, painted with cloud shoulder kikumon, cloud shoulder stripe trim stria.

伏核联系纤维内侧部主要走向终纹、丘脑、大脑水管周围和中脑腹侧。The main trend of medial part of NAcp was to the stria terminalis, thalamus, the place around cerebral aqueduct, and ventral midbrain.

经济作物有花椒、柿子、柑橘、雪梨、苹果、桃、杏、樱桃、石榴、纹党、大黄及蕨菜。Economic crops are pepper, persimmon, citrus, Sydney, apples, peaches, apricots, cherries, pomegranates, stria party, rhubarb and bracken.

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为了解大鼠纹状体内的神经活性物质与边缘系统重要结构杏仁核和终纹床核内相应神经活性物质之间的关系。To understand the relationship of neurotransmitter between the striatum and limbic system such as amygdaloid nucleus and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis.

较多的标记纤维行走于髓纹内,终于丘脑带旁核、丘脑内侧核及丘脑内侧核内、外侧部。Some fibers enter the stria medullaris which they follow to the thalamic paratenial nucleus, medial thalamic nucleus, the medial part and lateral part of medial thalamic nucleus.

透射电镜结果显示血管纹厚度在致聋后进行性下降,主要为边缘细胞萎缩造成。There was also a significant and progressive decrease in stria vascularis thickness while the major cause appeared predominantly to be a reduction in the volume of the marginal cells.

三角隔核和伞隔核的传出纤维主要经髓纹终于内侧缰核,也有纤维经斜角带止于斜角带核。The triangular septal nucleus and the septofimbrial nucleus project mainly to the medial habenular nucleus through stria medullaris and also to the diagonal band nucleus through the diagonal band.

为了解大鼠纹状体内的神经活性物质与边缘系统重要结构杏仁核和终纹床核内相应神经活性物质之间的关系。To understand the relationship of neurotransmitter between the striatum and limbic system such as amygdaloid nucleus and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. 30 male Sprague Dawley rats were used.