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另外还有始终供应的石斑鱼与红鳍笛鲷鱼。And always grouper and snapper," he added.

他们捕捞过濑鱼,石斑鱼,马鲛鱼。They had fished for wrasse, grouper and mackerel.

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如果石斑鱼吃掉濑鱼,它的牙齿将得不到清理。If the grouper ate the wrasse , it wouldn't get cleaned.

堵嘴是最共同的石斑鱼风行东海岸。Gags are the most common grouper caught on the east coast.

我汗流浃背,象一条搁浅的石斑鱼一样吸着空气。I was sweat-soaked and sucking air like a beached grouper.

我在床上无法入眠,幻想着海中的石斑鱼和梭鱼。I can not sleep in bed, imagine the sea grouper and barracuda.

红珊瑚鱼后的石斑或鲈鱼的家庭成员。Coral reef red hind fish are a member of the grouper or sea bass family.

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意式贝壳面配小蛤蜊,对虾,及鲶鱼伴番茄红椒酱。Pasta, little neck clams, prawns and grouper in a tomato and chilli sauce.

墨西哥湾为美国海鲜餐饮提供了大量的鲶科鱼类。The Gulf of Mexico supplies much of the grouper served on American tables.

这是我们的菜单。今日特餐是零年式石斑鱼附水煮洋芋。Here is our menu. The special for today is Grouper Meaner with boiled potatoes.

会造成煎焙时有煎斑,且会产生苦味及涩味。Cause when baked fried grouper fry, and will produce bitterness and astringency.

网箱养鱼称着于世,主要有品种有石斑、鳢白等。Cage Culture to the world that the main species are grouper , Channa, such as white.

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浅海盛产龙虾、对虾、石斑鱼、鲍鱼等名贵海鲜。Shallow water-rich lobster, shrimp, grouper and abalone, and other valuable seafood.

劣质产品则大多木色不纯,甚至有杂斑、黑点。Most products are inferior wood color caring, and even complex grouper , black spots.

石斑鱼允许小濑鱼进入口中清除寄生虫。The grouper is allowing the small cleaner wrasse into its mouth to clean off parasites.

Coleman最初并没有想到赤点石斑鱼有这种工程方面的绝技。Coleman didn't suspect initially that red grouper were capable of such engineering feats.

墙的外立面已经掉下一大片墙面砖,斑斑驳驳露出里面的灰色墙体。From the wall had a large red brick Wailimian, grouper mottled grey split his inside wall.

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渔民只能用抛在水面的围网钓法来捕捞鲶科鱼类。Fishermen will be allowed to catch grouper using vertical lines, which are dropped overboard.

这个群落吸引了从濑鱼到雌石斑鱼的寻求配偶的所有生物。These communities then attract everything from cleaner fish to female grouper seeking a mate.

极小的虾虎鱼搜寻为了进餐的寄生虫当场在石斑鱼的鼻口部在珊瑚礁之外古巴。A tiny goby fish searches for a meal of parasites on the snout of a grouper on the reefs off Cuba.