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他是个滥竽充数的演员。He is a an actor.

他是个很糟糕的演员。He is an awfuly actor.

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康拉德.里弗斯,那位男演员吗?Conrad Reeves,the actor?

大卫。艾尔文是一位演员。David Irvin is an actor.

他是个性格演员。He 's a character actor.

我不喜欢那名男演员,你呢?I don't like that actor.

他是一个相当好的演员。He is quite a good actor.

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他好像是一位著名演员。He seemed a famous actor.

那名演员吓住我了。That actor frightened me.

他真是一位诙谐的演员。He is such a jocose actor.

查诺里斯是一个坏演员。Chuck Noris is a bad actor.

你说过你曾经是一名演员。You said you were an actor.

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我只是一个普通的二人转演员。I am just an ordinary actor.

所以我注定了也是一个戏子。So I'm fated to be an actor.

霍建华,一名优秀的男演员。Wallace, he is a good actor.

你真是位天生的演员。You're a natural-born actor.

格罗丁是一位优秀的喜剧演员。Grodin is a fine comic actor.

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这男演员讲错台词了。The actor misspoke his lines.

你最喜欢哪个男演员。Which actor do you like best?

他在1982年以演员身份初次登场。He debuted as an actor in 1982