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所以Li2是稳定的。Dilithium is stable.

现在He2,稳定吗?Now, He2, stable or not?

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马房距此一英里远。The stable is a mile away.

我们都知道甲烷很稳定。Well, we know it's stable.

谁打开了马房的门?Who opened the stable door?

为什么呢,是为了得到一个稳定的单元。Why? To get a stable octet.

大卫打开了马厩的门。David opened the stable door.

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它看起来就像一间真正的马厩。It's just like a real stable.

Bini这样描述稳定层Bini describes the stable layer

一定要把三脚架放稳。Make sure the tripod is stable.

你那匹矮种马养在哪儿?Where do you stable your pony ?

生态系统必须保持稳定。An ecosystem must remain stable.

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二氧化碳的确是稳定的分子。CO2 is really a stable molecule.

他父亲经营着一个马车出租店。His father kept a livery stable.

物价始终保持稳定。Prices remain stable throughout.

目前围堰是稳定安全的。The cofferdam is safe and stable.

我的右眼完全地稳定了。My right eye is completely stable.

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可是寺登街的五星级马店。Si Deng Street's five-star stable.

这很好,双锂是稳定的。This is good, dilithium is stable.

LAMV在空气动力方面是稳定的。The LAMV is aerodynamically stable.