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一个戴面具的人杀气腾腾地闯进了市政广场。A masked man ran amok in the town square.

纳粹不仅仅是杀气腾腾的国家主义。Nazism was not only nationalism run amok.

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羊儿们开始横冲直撞,孩子们也如此一片混乱。The sheep started to run amok and the kids too.

是的!这是政治正确变得很疯狂。Yeeess! -This is political correctness running amok.

科赫工业是丧心病狂的公司的例证。Koch Industries was the poster child of a company run amok.

对批评持如此态度证明阿尔帕约警长是一位强硬警长。To his critics this attitude proves that the sheriff isrunning amok.

而我们仍然被源源不断的CEO们胡作非为的故事吓得胆战心惊。And we're treated to a constant stream of stories about CEOs run amok.

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这些引人入胜的文件是一幅赤裸裸描画权力滥用的浮世绘。They make fascinating reading and paint a stark portrait of power run amok.

他称硕士学位的泛滥迹象是“文凭获得走向狂乱。”He calls the proliferation of master's degrees evidence of “credentialing gone amok.

冷酷无情、阴险狡诈、复仇心重的哥斯拉,被当做科学肆意妄为的公然象征。Godzilla — relentless, vengeful, sinister — looms as an overt symbol of science run amok.

私营企业不顾危险,最终失去控制,导致美国陷入了几十年不遇的经济萧条。Private risk-taking run amok has plunged the country into its worst recession in decades.

耦合的猖獗会阻止模式的改进,因为其他系统依赖于您的接口保持一致。Coupling run amok prevents schema evolution, because other systems depend on your interfaces remaining consistent.

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一只巨兽释放着惊人的能量从地底下冒了出来,狂暴地冲入战场。An enormous energy-spewing behemoth from below emerged from the caverns, and ran amok into the midst of the battle.

四天来,暴徒在这个城市很多地区胡作非为,他们抢劫商店、斗殴、恐吓他人。For four days now, mobs have run amok in multiple areas across this city, looting, brawling, and terrorizing people.

我也希望能帮上忙,尤其是为那些花了很长时间找工作的人,但现在情况已经失去了控制。I want to be helpful, especially to people who have been job hunting for a long time, but this is networking run amok.

数十年来,西方似乎有一股强大的趋势,将机器人视为某种邪恶的东西,像科技的暴走族横冲直撞。In the West, there seems to be a strong tendency over decades to view robots as something evil, like technology run amok.

当地的居民们怀着对那些“疯狂的病人”“满街乱跑的杀人狂”的恐惧,迅速的组织了一个临时的市民小组,并快速的投入到抗议这个提议的斗争当中。Fears of "crazy people" running amok prompt them to form an ad hoc citizens group, which moves swiftly into action to combat the proposal.

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当缺乏竞争之时,这些入侵的物种将会狂暴地进入生态系统,并将使公园的本地物种们陷入灭绝的境地。When turned loose with no competition, invasive species can run amok in an ecosystem and send a park's native residents toward extinction.

这部艾因·兰德的经典著作主要是描写的是关于政府不当作为而导致经济大萧条。Being conversant in Ayn Rand's classic novel about the economic carnage caused by big government run amok was practically a job requirement.

她说,这种情形如果发生在野外,获得抗病毒基因的野生燕麦便可能以燎原之势席卷美国西部,将其他原生草类逼得走投无路。If that happened in the field, she says, wild oats might run amok in the western U. S. , outcompeting native grasses with kudzu-like intensity.