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它是发硫失养症的亚型。It is a subtype of trichothiodystrophy.

第二个则是武具,属于神器的副类别。The second one is Equipment, which is a subtype of artifact.

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1998年,专家们还见证了一种新亚型病毒的出现。Experts also witnessed the emergence of a new subtype in 1998.

通过添加包装程序类,您打破了子类型多态性。By adding a wrapper class, you have broken subtype polymorphism.

可能每个产品子类型还有它自己的子类型。It is possible that each product subtype may have its own subtypes.

富铝改造亚型花岗岩类是陆块碰撞拼合的标志。The PT subtype granitoids mark the collision of continental blocks.

H5N1是已知感染人类的H5亚型内唯一毒株。H5N1 is the only strain within the H5 subtype known to infect humans.

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初步检验已查明H5亚型禽流感病毒。Initial tests have identified the H5 subtype of avian influenza virus.

类型可以为其他类型的子类型,可以集成这个类型的所有属性。A Type may be a subType of another type, and can inherit all its properties.

最后利用重复序列PCR进一步做亚型分析。Finally, repetitive-element PCR was used to analyze subtype of C. perfringens.

H5N1是H5亚型中已知引起人间感染的唯一毒株。H5N1 is the only strain within the H5 subtype known to cause human infections.

子类型也可以向基类型增加更多的元素和属性声明。A subtype can also add more element and attribute declarations to the base type.

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有注意力缺陷或两者皆有的类型更容易患抑郁。Children with inattention or combined subtype were at greater risk for depression.

然而,在与D亚型的9名患者,8人患有痴呆症,约百分之八十九。However, out of the nine patients with subtype D, 8 had dementia, about 89 percent.

经快速检测,两名儿童家里的鸡中发现H5病毒亚型。Rapid tests detected the H5 virus subtype in chickens from the children’s household.

而且这种下降是由双侧痉挛性脑瘫发病率减少导致的。Furthermore, this decline was attributed to a reduction in the bilateral subtype of CP.

它是由一种带剧毒的致命的亚型H1N1甲型流感病毒株引起的。It was caused by an unusually virulent and deadly Influenza A virus strain of subtype H1N1.

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对该病例初步检测H5病毒亚型感染结果为阴性。Initial tests on this case produced negative results for infection with the H5 virus subtype.

也有人认为是脓疱性牛皮癣的一个亚型,但也有不同意见。It was also considered to be a subtype of pustular psoriasis, but there are different opinions.

而流感新亚型的出现,则可能造成流感大爆发,后果更严重。And new subtype of influenza may cause pandemic influenza, and lead to more serious consequence.