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二传手是一个目标和学业成绩。Be a goal setter and a achiever.

中国何必猴子屁股一样总是红彤彤的呢?China is always the price taker not price setter.

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今天除了二传手外,大家都可以去休息了。Today everybody except the setter can take a rest.

哥顿塞特犬的骨量非常充足。The Gordon Setter has plenty of bone and substance.

边滚筒式照排机的代价是最不贱的。The price of a setter within is the most expensive.

这种塞特种猎犬能异常准确地以头指向山鸡所在的地点。This setter can point pheasant extraordinarily well.

我们认为它是借用小黄犬和爱尔兰塞特种猎犬的混种。We think he's part cocker spaniel and part Irish setter.

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哥顿塞特犬是一种警惕、欢快、好奇而自信的狗。The Gordon Setter is alert, gay, interested, and confident.

我想另外爱尔兰二传手,但我们没有一个后院。I wanted another Irish Setter , but we didn't have a backyard.

每行进给量图文影排机或印字机的纸张向前移动一行的数量。Line feed Advancement of paper in an image setter or printer by one line.

爱尔兰蹲猎犬是另一个因获得西敏寺犬展而出名的例子。The Irish Setter was another dog that became the darling of the show ring.

切割粗糙的绿松石成细小的圆宝石,以镶嵌在银饰里面。Turquoiserough. A stone cutter and stone setter to set cabochons in silver.

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吉莫迈步进了门,仿佛一条猎犬嗅到了鹌鹑的气味,一动不动了。Jim stepped inside the door, as immovable as a setter at the scent of quail.

扣球手在二传手周围一个身位扣球。Step-around n. A one-footed slide in which the attacker moves around the setter.

温迪,这是我的教练洪涛,是原国家排球队的二传。Wendy, this is my coach Hong Tao, a former setter in the national volleyball team.

虽然他是阔佬,但他对慈善事业不会捐献太多的钱。Although he is a jet setter , he is not likely to donate more money for the charity.

我已为电子邮件地址添加了一个写方法和读方法,以供框架访问。I have added a setter and getter for the e-mail address for the framework to access.

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紧接着年轻的扣球手魏秋月替换了状态平平的队长冯坤。Then much younger setter Wei Qiuyue came in for an underperforming captain Feng Kun.

一个聪明的二传手能通过变换进攻战术使对手摸不着头脑。A smart setter can constantly keep the opponents guessing by varying the attack tactics.

在「白宫风暴」中,他把尼克森总统刻画得令人作呕,连他的爱尔兰雪达犬都要攻击他。In "Nixon" he made that president so epically loathsome that even his Irish setter turned on him.