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先走一步付出一些,在退一步忍让一些。A step ahead of pay, in some fallback to be patient.

创造论者的退守策略在法律上的前景如何?What are the legal prospects of the creationist fallback strategy?

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他保持通讯静默,慢慢爬到预定的退却位置。He remained COM silent and crept back to the prearranged fallback position.

用户类上的后退会让编译器假设使用当前的名称空间。A fallback on a user class causes the compiler to assume the current namespace.

例外状况后援处理常式,这个处理常式会在无法解码位元组时掷回例外状况。An exception fallback handler, which throws an exception when bytes cannot be decoded.

例外状况后援处理常式,这个处理常式会在无法编码字元时掷回例外状况。An exception fallback handler, which throws an exception when characters cannot be encoded.

这是因为回退机制只能用于指令元素而不能用于声明。That is because the fallback mechanism only works for instruction elements, not declarations.

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搜索是用户在无法被导航到他们想找的东西的地方时的可靠选择。Search is the fallback option the user will choose when they cannot navigate to what they’re looking for.

他没事儿摆弄那些零钱干什么?她发觉了我在瞅着她,那眼神儿仿佛老是在物色着旁的男人——一个好靠山。What is he foostering over that change for? Sees me looking. Eye out for other fellow always. Good fallback.

最佳回退处理程序,它把无法解码的字节替换为合适的替换字符。A best-fit fallback handler, which replaces bytes that cannot be decoded with some suitable replacement character.

无声故障或标志返回值可能会有用,或另一种用于错误例子的后退操作会有用。Perhaps silent failure or flag return values would be useful, or another sort of fallback operations for error cases.

奥巴马称,麦康奈尔和里德的方案是为避免两党无法就广泛减赤计划达成一致的重要退路.Obama said the backup plan was an important fallback in case lawmakers cannot agree on a broad deficit reduction plan.

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用于打包和部署资源的轮辐式模型使用后备进程来定位合适的资源。The hub and spoke model for packaging and deploying resources uses a fallback process to locate appropriate resources.

控制液压流体的泄油始点,使进气门适时回落,实现进气迟闭角的连续可变。Control the relieving time to make the intake valve fallback in time to achieve continuously variable intake valve timing.

他们会将前一天的数据保持在服务器上,这样一旦新一天的数据集出现了问题就可以立刻恢复过来。They keep the previous day's data in the server to allow near instantaneous fallback in case of problems with new data sets.

这些语义意义元素持续被用来作为讨论时对构造和设计语义标签功败垂成。These semantically meaningless elements continued to be used as a fallback for structure and design when semantic tags fell short.

在余论中,作者则提出“犯罪主体采用列举式,不留口袋”的建议,尽量不使用兜底条款,避免引起司法混乱。In theory I, the author, "a list of the main crime, leaving pockets", try not to use fallback provisions to avoid judicial confusion.

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与轮辐式一样,可以将服务部署到分支以支持具有单点回退功能的中心连接操作。As in Hub and Spokes, services may be deployed into the branches to support hub-connected operation with a stand-alone fallback capability.

当资源不可用时,一个很好的做法是提供某种回转页面以协助用户导航到其他有用的页面。When resources are unavailable, it is nice to provide some sort of fallback page that assists users in navigating to something more useful.

每当女人们谈及她们的逃离计划,她们总会说到要在一个小城镇,还要有个普通的长得像山姆的男人。Whenever women talk about their fallback plan it always involves a small town with an ordinary guy who just happens to look like Sam Shepard.