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现在它就成了双曲线。It hasbecome a hyperbola.

由四点作双曲线。Hyperbola from Four Points.

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我应该只看双曲线上的点就足够了。I should be looking only on the hyperbola.

双曲线逐渐接近它的渐近线但不相交。A hyperbola approaches but does not meet its asymptote.

我们仍然可以在双曲线上找到解。Yes, we can still find points on the hyperbola and so on.

上面这个是f的等高线,黄色的就是双曲线。That is the contour plot of f with a hyperbola on top of it.

二是采用双曲线正切函数柔化输入矢量。Another is to intenerate the input vectors by hyperbola tangent function.

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此外,这类曲线能精确地表示双曲线。Further, the hyperbola can be represented by the proposed curves accurately.

分析了磁单极子在等离子体中沿双曲线运动的辐射特点。The characteristics of the hyperbola radiation in cosmic plasma are analyzed.

它的双曲线钢筋混凝土外形成了发电站的典型标志。Its hyperbola ferroconcrete appearance became the typical symbol of power station.

含氯量和孔隙度之间的关系图式也许近似于一条双曲线。The relation between the chlorinity and porosity may be approximated by a hyperbola.

绘制双曲线的仪器在教学及工程绘图方面具有实际意义。The instrument to draw hyperbola has great significance for teaching and engineering drawing.

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结果葡聚糖的浓度时间曲线为双曲线,时间反应曲线显示反应速率较低。Results concentration-time curve of glucan was hyperbola and its time-reaction curve had low reaction rate.

指出在田间条件下,用直角双曲线拟合得到的初始量子效率偏高。It is found that initial quantum yield obtained by fitting rectangle hyperbola is higher than its real value.

当森林的面积过小时,森林火灾的“面积-频率”分布曲线上会出现频率峰,表现出“有限面积效应”现象。When the area is small, impacted by finite-size effect, size-frequency line in log-log hyperbola has distinct peak.

指出它们在观察屏上的分布应呈双曲线型,并给出了它们的解析表达式。The image of a slit on the screen takes the shape of hyperbola curve, and its analytical expressions has been derived.

不同生长年数星星草的光-光合速率曲线均近似为双曲线,但又有各自的特点。The light photosynthetic curves of P. tenuiflora of different ages almost conformed to hyperbola , but each had its own character.

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球面上共焦点之椭圆、双曲线,在球心投影中仍投影成共焦椭圆、双曲线。The cofocal ellipse and hyperbola of spherical surface will also be projected into the cofocal ellipse and hyperbola in gnomonic projection.

其中螺纹系列调直机采用双曲线辊调直原理,从而大大消弱了对钢筋的划伤。Thread one of Straightening machine series Roller Straightening hyperbola principle, thus greatly weakened the scratch of the reinforcement.

来看一下这一点,这里双曲线和圆刚好接触的地方,首先,我不知道我要看的是圆上面的哪一点。If you look at this point where the hyperbola and the circle touch each other, first of all, I don't know which circle I am going to look at.