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这份文件变色得厉害。This document is badly foxed.

他完全被她的行为迷惑了。He was completely foxed by her behavior.

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即便是受过良好教育的购物者也很容易被骗。Even well-educated shoppers are easily foxed.

他走了另一条路,骗过了追捕他的人。He foxed his pursuers by taking another route.

温厚的泰森先生被他妻子彻底蒙骗了。The mild Mr. Tyson was completely foxed by his wife.

试卷上的第二道题完全把我难住了。The second question on the exam paper completely foxed me.

贾思柏在数学考试中舞弊。Jasper foxed the invigilator in the mathematics examination.

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他们那套乔治。艾略特作品集被雨水淋得变色起皱了。Their set of George Eliot was foxed and buckled by the rain.

那位受训的队员故意用难题把傲慢的教练搞糊涂。The trainee foxed the arrogant instructor with a knotty problem.

自行车手运动衫和帽子的颜色让他们有点儿困惑。They're a bit foxed by the colours of the riders' jerseys and hats.

我哄骗我弟弟,让他以为我们今天必须去上学。I foxed my younger brother into thinking we had to go to school today.

有固定形状、体积,有固定分子排列结构的物质称为固体。Solids have a foxed shape and volume, particles are arranged in a fixed structure.

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水泥土是水泥、土和水按一定比例拌和均匀,经机械压实形成的一种结硬性混合物。Soil cement is a harden solidify mixture, formed under foxed proportion in cement, soil, and water, after tight mechnical compression.

他没有舒适的家﹐反而告诉他的门徒﹕鸟儿有巢穴﹐狐狸有洞窟﹐人子却连可以安枕的地方都没有。He did not have a comfortable home instead he told his disciples that the birds had nests and foxed had holes, but he did not have a place for pillows.

修正当从删除列表中删除一些已经删除的生物所引起的当机。与公会相关的代码清除。Foxed possible crash at deleting creature from remove object queue with cross-reference to already deleted creature in queue. Small guild chapter related cleanup.