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而同时,许多潜在的学生却受不到服务。At the same time, many potential students are being underserved.

相当大部分的培训应当在缺医少药的农村环境中进行。A considerable portion of training should take place in underserved rural settings.

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很多人希望最后可以向亚洲和非洲的其他贫困和服务水平较低的市场销售。Many hope to sell to other poor and underserved markets in Asia and Africa eventually.

迫切需要为缺医少药的人群提供医生,所以必须作出更加彻底的变革。The urgency of providing doctors for underserved populations demands more fundamental change.

像这类遭遇显示了社区医学服务不周到的结果。Encounters of this kind have revealed to me the consequences of medically underserved communities.

你难到就忍心看在前线浴血奋战的同胞们,因为缺医少药而白白牺牲么?You have the heart to see the fighting in the front to compatriots, sacrifice in vain for underserved?

保罗提到神在基督里对提摩太和所有与他同在以弗所之人的爱---人不配得的爱,并以此结束他的书信。Paul closes the letter by speaking God's blessing of underserved love in Christ for Timothy and all those with him in Ephesus.

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但是,我们仍未能在适当规模上向难以得到服务的人群提供可持续、公平和全面的保健。But we are still not reaching underserved populations with sustainable, equitable, and comprehensive care on an adequate scale.

要将改善健康作为一项减贫战略,就必须让穷困和难以获得服务的人群能够获得卫生服务。For health improvement to operate as a poverty-reduction strategy, health services must reach poor and underserved populations.

也许你有一个普普通通的克服逆境的故事,或者你想将你的产品和服务打入草根市场。Perhaps you have a grass-roots story of overcoming adversity, or you're bringing a product or service to an underserved market.

分析肯尼亚为应对护士在农村和缺医少药地区的分布不均而启动的紧急护士招聘计划带来的影响。To analyse the effect of Kenya’s Emergency Hiring Plan for nurses on their inequitable distribution in rural and underserved areas.

在我们得到这些业务分析之前,曾一度激动的认为“社会化发现”是我们社会化图表中还没有出现的,还没有多少人涉足的领域,但是看来不尽其然。But before we get too business analyst-y here —excited that there’s an underserved quadrant of opportunity in our social Web diagram!

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紧急护士招聘计划在短期内大大改善了肯尼亚农村和缺医少药地区的医疗服务状况。The Emergency Hiring Plan for nurses significantly increased health services in Kenya’s rural and underserved areas over the short term.

马克·莫瑞尔是民权组织“全美城市联盟”的负责人。该组织致力于帮助历史上一直处于弱势的社区增强它们的能力。Marc Morial is the head of the civil rights group the National Urban League, which works to empower historically underserved communities.

然而,神向保罗显明了他无人配得的爱,使他归信基督,并在他里面生出对神、对人的真诚之爱。Yet, God showered Paul with His underserved love and brought him to faith in Christ and created a sincere love for God and others in him.

对缺医少药人群的这种承诺需要我们做更多的事,而不只是在原有课程的基础上可能装饰性地增添与农村有关的内容。Such commitment to the underserved requires more than the potentially cosmetic addition of rural content on top of pre-existing curricula.

例如,宾夕法尼亚州已与非营利组织和超市合作,在条件薄弱地区开设高品质食品商店。In Pennsylvania, for example, the state has partnered with nonprofits and supermarkets to open high-quality food stores in underserved areas.

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这强有力地证明,CDMA2000有能力在有线电话和宽带数据业务占主导的新兴市场胜出。This is a strong testimonial to CDMA2000's ability to excel in emerging markets underserved by wireline telephony and broadband data services.

目前,正在开展调查,以便更清楚地认识到这一区域监测方面的差距,包括对流动人口、移民和服务水平低下人口的监测。An investigation is ongoing to more clearly identify surveillance gaps in the region, including among mobile, migrant and underserved populations.

通过这场音乐会筹集的资金将被用于支持和开展为缺乏机会的美国学生提供的留学中国项目。Funds raised in association with the concert will be used to support and operate study-abroad programs in China for underserved American students.