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别诓我!Don't frame me!

载入一个暗场图片。Loads a dark frame.

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我们丢失了这个框架。We lose this frame.

我看看您的镜架。Let me see your frame.

框架与按扣。Frame with snap closure.

我们把那幅画装入框架。We frame up that picture.

或者“怎么才能把记忆框起来?”How do you frame a memory?

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好,我看看您的镜架。OK, let me see your frame.

床架是铁制的。The bed has an iron frame.

锯架升降灵活方便。Flexible adopts frame saws.

半腰上,有一座小木屋。Slope, a small frame house.

框子是用金属做的。The frame is made of metal.

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你给这个画加个框好吗?。Will you frame the picture?

我的眼镜框断了!My eyeglass frame is broken!

放一两个相框。Put up a photo frame or two.

多数汽车都采用钢构架。Most cars have a steel frame.

帧中继语音传送?。VOFR? Voice Over Frame Relay?

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我们必须给那幅画装上框。We must frame up that picture.

窗子在窗框中嘎嘎作响。The window jarred in the frame.

这张旧床的床架是铁制的。This old bed has an iron frame.