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金姆勇敢地保卫自己,伊菜也继续向她动手动脚。Kim valiantly defends herself as Eli keeps coming.

白丽莱茜鼓起勇气保持一种冷静的兴趣。Berenice strove valiantly to retain a serene interest.

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被围攻的绝地武士英勇战斗,击退了曼达洛强盗。The beleaguered Jedi Knights fought valiantly to repulse the Mandalorian marauders.

之后的几年,孔作为将军在这场战争中的很多处前线英勇奋战。Koon served valiantly as a general in the war on many battlefronts in the years that followed.

要让人们知道英勇地挣扎着自己承担错在哪里是不容易的。It's hard for people to know what's wrong if you're valiantly struggling to keep it to yourself.

但这些未来暴君们的计划遭到了精锐力量的勇猛还击。But the aims of would-be tyrants were valiantly opposed by those without elitist, dangerous powers.

两个人一直打到了平台上,克诺比奋不顾身地试图防止格里沃斯再次逃跑。The two sparred on the platform, as Kenobi tried valiantly to prevent Grievous from escaping yet again.

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一位好客的本地旅游出版商请我吃晚饭,煞费苦心地向我介绍这里的好处。A nice publicist for local tourism took me to dinner and tried valiantly to persuade me of the town's merits.

雷纳的失误对利物浦方面来讲很难接受,小光在小乔下去后的表现一直可以“神”来形容。Reina's uncharacteristic error was harsh on Liverpool, who had battled valiantly following Cole's sending off.

扫罗奋勇攻击亚玛力人,救了以色列人脱离抢掠他们之人的手。And he did valiantly and struck the Amalekites and delivered Israel out of the hands of those who plundered them.

他在战斗中英勇牺牲,他的死在原力中回响着,穿越银河,传到他家人的心中。He died valiantly in combat, and the Force transmitted the resonance of his death across the galaxy to his family.

扫罗奋勇攻击亚玛力人,救了以色列人脱离抢掠他们之人的手。He fought valiantly and defeated the Amalekites, delivering Israel from the hands of those who had plundered them.

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从某种意义上来说,看着母亲勇敢地同那些疯狂吞噬生命的疾病作斗争时,我的部分身心在随同她一起死亡。In that sense, part of me was dying with her as I watched her valiantly struggle with her disease's mindless depredations.

甘纳英勇地拖住遇战疯人,杰森则找到了控制科洛桑变形过程的世界脑。As Ganner valiantly held of the Yuuzhan Vong, Jacen confronted the World Brain controlling the transformation of Coruscant.

如果授予了奖章,他也不会被认为是他的丈夫为之英勇战斗的原因。When medals are awarded, he will not be recognized as the person his husband fought for, the reason that he served so valiantly.

这位现年83岁的越南僧人在16岁那年出家,在越战期间极积的向政府呼吁和平。The 83-year-old native of Vietnam, who joined the monastery when he was 16, valiantly opposed his own government during the Vietnam War.

啊真好,你回来了。我们都为你的突然消失感到担心,然而没有你英勇的保卫,可怜的没有防御的中国会怎么样呢。Ah good you're back. We were getting worried at your absence and how poor defenceless China would fare without you valiantly defending it.

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他相信自己的手下能搞定这事,现在尼科洛死了,还在勇敢反击的老尤里也被逼到了绝路。Instead he trusted his employees to handle things. Now Nicolo was dead and Yuri was cornered, though the old man was still fighting valiantly.

于此同时,巴拉拉知道自己正在努力地匡扶正义,并且毫不畏惧,这让他充满了力量,同时他还保留了自己的幽默感。In the meantime, Bharara can be sustained by his knowledge that he is trying valiantly to right injustice -- while retaining his sense of humor.

更为严重的是,多头监管已阻碍大力推行债市改革。中国人民银行曾大力尝试推进债市改革,但却遭到了政府反对派人士的阻挠。The People's Bank has tried valiantly to push forward corporate bond reform, but its efforts have been constrained by opposition within Beijing.