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我要让你成为皇帝。Haughtily I'll make you the Emperor.

今天我们见面后你就变得很高傲哦。You became to act haughtily since we last met.

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“他当然会,”那个母亲傲慢地回答说。Of course he can, " the mother replied haughtily."

当他傲慢地对旁边的人说这话的时候,我偷看了一下他的订单。As he proceeded haughtily to the next person, I peeked at his order pad.

原本在罗国不可一世享尽特权的家族,竟是如此下场。That's how the family that haughtily enjoyed utmost privilege in Romania saw its demise.

他个子不高,可是他把头那么目中无人地昂着,使他看来象个发号施令的人物。He was not tall, but he carried his head so haughtily that he looked a commanding figure.

象雪莱一样,他经受了情感上的波折与心灵世界的煎熬。Like Shelley, he has undergone the twists and turns emotionally, and his world of mind fries haughtily.

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凯瑟琳夫人盛气凌人,要求伊丽莎白放弃达西。然而,伊丽莎白对这一挑衅完全应付裕如。Haughtily she demands that Elizabeth give up Darcy. Elizabeth, however, is more than adequate to the challenge.

“在我们的中后场防守区域,我们缺少纪律,”卡恩傲慢的说,“因为哈格里夫斯其他一些人犯下太多的错误。"We are lacking discipline in our defensive midfield area, " Kahn said haughtily , "because Hargreaves and some others are making too many mistakes.

19世纪以来,由于科学技术的快速发展,工业化急速推进,人类开始骄傲地提出“征服自然”的口号。Since science and technology developed and industrialization pushed forward rapidly, the human being brought forward the slogan of "conquer nature" haughtily in nineteenth century.

在节目中,一位男嘉宾邀请她乘坐自己的单车,被马诺傲慢地拒绝。这被说成是80后暴发户物质主义的缩影。She haughtily rejected an offer from a male contestant to take a ride on his bike, epitomizing the materialism that some say has come to define the nouveau riche of the post-1980s generation.