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她突然很不得体地向他要钱。Suddenly and irrelevantly , she asked him for money.

但是,由于各种因素的影响,中小学的教育研究活动中存在着严重忽视甚至错误使用文献资料的现象。But it is very common to ignore using it or use it irrelevantly because of all kinds of reasons.

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他毫无来由地、持续不断地、数十次地想起那东西,猜想着它是什么样子、会在什么时候出现。Irrelevantly , insistently, scores of times, he wondered when they would come on what they looked like.

他毫无来由地、持续不断地、数十次地想起那东西,猜想着它是什么样子、会在什么时候出现。Irrelevantly , insistently, scores of times, he wondered when they would come on and what they looked like.

因此,与其让它游离于刑法理论之外,或牵强附会加以解释,不如名正言顺地加以承认。So we should acknowledge it openly rather than let it dissociate from the criminal law theory or interpret it irrelevantly.

其二,作为一名典型的完美主义者,她无法忍受把自己的家全权交给不相干的装修公司。Secondly, as a typical completist, she is intolerable give oneself domestic full-fledged member decorate a company irrelevantly.

他试图用这些离奇悖理的情节使人物处于异己的环境之中,彼此聋子似的各自讲些互不沟通的话题来表现人们生存的荒诞。He tries to set his characters in an absurd environment by using these odd plots, letting then speak irrelevantly to each other to show the absurdity of people's living.

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针对不确定规划中存在灰色变量的情况,传统灰色规划方法将其转化为确定型规划后再求解,忽视了不确定因素的影响。To deal with grey variables, traditional grey programming method transforms uncertain model to certain one, which irrelevantly ignores the influence of uncertain environment.

该方法利用SAR回波信号的特性以及干涉测量时对干涉数据高相关性要求的特点,对两路INSAR信号的幅度及相位做去相关性压缩。The new algorithm is based on the statistical property and the high correlation between the two channels of INSAR. Amplitude and phase of raw data are compressed irrelevantly.

现实的社会主义国家出于策略上的考虑,把马克思的“跨越卡夫丁峡谷”思想和“东方社会理论”不恰当地等同了起来。In consideration of the strategies, the socialist countries in reality have irrelevantly equalized the thought of "Spaning the Caudine Canyou" and "theory of oriental society".