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不可直接用于私密处。Not for intimate hygine use.

我和他很贴心。I'm tolerably intimate with him.

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性爱本身是一种亲密的行为。Sex by itself is an intimate act.

我和他相识已久。I have long been intimate with him.

什么让双方亲密无间?What makes them want to be intimate?

两家关系挺近。The two families are on intimate terms.

它们暗示了痛苦的何等深度?What depths of anguish do they intimate?

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主任家的私人聚会。An intimate gathering at the Dena's house.

红色可让人觉得有活力和亲切感。Shades of red are energizing and intimate.

我既有亲密无间的朋友也有泛泛之辈的朋友。I have intimate friends and casual friends.

是您投资的贴心好伴侣。You are a good investment intimate partner.

我对这个地方有着一种亲昵感。I had an intimate connection with the place.

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她们俩处得好像亲姐妹一样。The two of them were as intimate as sisters.

玛丽从小跟我一起长大,我们是亲密的朋友。Mary grew up with me, we are intimate friends.

这段插曲默默无言,却秘密而亲切。The episode was tacitly and secretly intimate.

是一个非常亲密的抒情歌词,非常,非常亲密。It’s a very intimate lyric, very, very intimate.

成功和决心是亲密的兄弟。Success and determination are intimate siblings.

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刚刚我有种莫名的强烈亲近感,你我之间。That was kind of a powerful, intimate situation.

尽情去拥抱你正拥有的爱情。Embrace that intimate love relationship you have!

他说出了别人只敢暗示的话。He stated what others had only dared to intimate.