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这种博通是最美好不过的。This universality is the best.

死亡的普遍性让事情更好还是更糟糕了?Does the universality of death make things better or worse?

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这两个帝国,都渴望一种普遍性。Both of these empires had aspired to a kind of universality.

但是互联网的确正在丧失他的开放性以及通用性。But the net is losing some of its openness and universality.

物理学的普遍性意味着历史是狭隘的。The universality of physics means that history is provincial.

第二,普遍性与特殊性的关系。Secondly, the relationship between universality and specificity.

至于壁球,则强调其普及性和在年轻人中的受欢迎程度。As for squash, it has stressed its universality and youth appeal.

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其实,心理治疗具有普遍性与特殊性两种属性。In fact, psycho-therapy has universality and culture-particularity.

但这不应阻碍我们看到它的高贵和普遍性。But that should not deter us from seeing its nobility and universality.

通过软件设计,实现了逻辑控制单元测试台通用的目的。Through the software design, the universality of the test bench is achieved.

矛盾的普遍性存在于矛盾的特殊性之中。The universality of contradiction resides in the particularity of contradiction.

陔系统具有突出的通用性和高可信赖的特点。This system is characteristic of distinctive universality and highly reliability.

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诚信作为一种德性或规范并非绝对普适,而是有其限度。As a virtue or norm, honesty is not of absolute universality but of its own limits.

总结来说,他们把罗马的例外论与普适性区分的很清楚。In short, they separated Roman exceptionalism from any thought of its universality.

与此同时,要着重要注意的是,全球主义并不意味着普遍现象。At the same time, it is important to note that globalism does not imply universality.

他们也同样证实了天主恩宠的普世性以及对所有子民的召叫。They too verify the universality of God's grace and the call of all to become faithful.

通用性——提供跨整个扩展企业环境的连接层Universality -- Provides a connectivity layer spanning extended enterprise environments

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美育对人能发生作用在于关具有普遍性和超脱性。Aesthetic education can influence man because of its universality and unconventionality.

毕竟她更关心的是作为作家的狄更斯,他作品的范围,他创造人物的能力以及他的雅俗共赏。After all, it is the writer she is interested in, his range, invention and universality.

研究状况总体上不成系统性,不具有普遍适用性,前瞻性也较差。As a whole, the research is not in system, and don't have universality and prospectivity.