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我们的面颊苍白,我们的长发披散Our cheeks are pale, our hair is unbound

对未连接套接字和非绑定套接字的支持Support for unconnected and unbound sockets

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我们称之为释放轨道更大或者相当。We call this unbound orbit larger or equal.

在未系结模式中,手动填入控制项。In unbound mode, you populate the control manually.

还没有装订成册的论文稿件堆放在桌子上。The unbound sheets of paper were piled up on the table.

它无法被精确定义,并少与时空关联。It is undefined, wide open, and unbound to time and space.

解放以后他们释放了所有的政治犯。They unbound all the political prisoners after liberation.

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您可以使用这项步骤来系结已系结设定和未系结设定。You can bind both bound and unbound settings with these steps.

我满心愉悦地尽全力做好手边的工作。I am giving all I have to the task at hand with unbound happiness.

从四禅,他立即达到彻底的自由。Emerging from the fourth jhana, he immediately was totally Unbound.

而没有这样的理解,自由可以被解释为无限制的放任自流。Absent such an understanding, freedom can imply an unbound licentiousness.

取消绑定模式还适用于类似于电子表格的表或稀疏填充的表。Unbound mode is also suited for spreadsheet-like or sparsely populated tables.

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由于工作努力态度好,他刑满前就被释放了。Because of his hard work and good attitude, he was unbound before his sentence was up.

当他们来到牧草地时,她坐在那儿的地埂上,解开她波浪一般卷曲的头发,她的头发都是纯银的。And when they came to the meadow, she sat down and unbound her hair which was of pure gold.

不过,当这些事物羁绊你们的生命,而你们超脱它们,赤裸而无拘无束,你们更是自由的。But rather when these things girdle your life and yet you rise above them naked and unbound.

他俩蒙住颜面,松开衣带,捡起石头朝身后扔去。They veiled their faces, unbound their garments, and , picking up stones, cast them behind them.

唯一所需的输入是需要绑定或取消绑定线程对应的进程标识符。The only input required is the process identifier of the process whose threads are to be bound or unbound.

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为了处理所有类型的人工任务,需要支持数量不限的输入和输出对象。To cater to all types of human tasks, you need to support an unbound number of objects for input and output.

将具有一个或更多未绑定形参的类的描述符添加到静态结构图中。Adds the descriptor for a class that has one or more unbound formal parameters to your Static Structure diagram.

但有些测试不仅仅会查总值,还会查到“游离PSA”值,会在血液中自由流动。But some tests measure not only total PSA, but another component called free PSA, which floats unbound in the blood.