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好的,我该分几年来摊销?How many years shall I amortize them?

费用在长期待摊费用账户中核算。Shall I amortize the long-term prepaid expenses?

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我打算用三年时间分期偿还汽车的所有费用。I intend to amortize the total cost of the car over three years.

为了忍受生活,我们不能没有缓冲的办法。To endure the life, we cannot do not have the measure of amortize.

小程序集也让你将应用程序启动时的花费分解开来。Smaller assemblies also let you amortize the cost of application startup.

他想用延长营业时间来分摊固定的租金。He wanted to amortize his fixed rental cost by stretching the operating hours.

但是对于其他的长期待摊费用,你必须根据使用年限进行摊销。But for other long-term expenses, you have to amortize them over the useful life.

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好的,已经有这个明细帐户了。我要摊销长期待摊费用吗?Ok, there is such a subsidiary account. Shall I amortize the long-term prepaid expenses?

由于这个原因,很多公司将购并产生的商誉在10或2年内摊销。For this reason, many companies amortize purchased goodwill over periods of 10 or 2 years.

相较梅赛德斯奔驰,缺少能摊销巨额开发成本的大型客车和卡车是其软肋之一。It lacks the giant bus and truck operations that allow Mercedes to amortize research costs.

根据使用年限。对装修费来说,根据租赁期来摊销比较恰当吧。Over its useful life. For decoration fee, it is proper to amortize them over the rental period.

另外,在视频播放前的缓冲期间,也是可以放置广告的。Additional, during the amortize before video is broadcasted , also be to be able to place advertising.

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对无形资产摊销的改进的构想以及对无形资产报告的改进建议。Propose the idea of improvement that the intangible assets amortize and improvement of the intangible assets report.

其实血锗高低与自觉症状轻重或尿摊多少并不完全一致。Actually blood with self-conscious symptom weight ge discretion how much does not fully amortize or urine consistent.

通过选择缓冲电容器的死区时间和数值,便能够在所有运行模式中实现软开关。Through choosing the dead band time of amortize capacitor and numerical value, can realize soft switch in all operation pattern.

但是作为一个实务问题,大多数公司均按照所得税法的要求,仅用5年把这项资产摊入费用账户。But AS a practical matter, most corporations amortize this ASset to expense over a period of only 5 years, AS allowed under income tax regulations.

有很多的按揭贷款本身就是岌岌可危的,首付很低甚至没有首付,分期偿付的额度低到永远也还不完的程度。Many of the underlying mortgages were highly risky, involving little or no down payments and initial rates so low they could never amortize the loan.

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对于开办费,你现在不需要摊销,开办费要在你们公司开始经营后一次转销。For start-up expenses, you don't need to amortize now. The start-up expenses will be written –off in a lump sum when your company begins its operation.

一种租赁方式,即在规定期限内分期向出租人支付规定的金额,其总数足以支付出租人的资本支出并使其获得一定的利润。A lease involving payment over an obligatory period of specified sums sufficient in total to amortize the capital outlay of the lessor and give some profit.

国际上的通行做法是按照除长期有价证券之外的各非流动资产的公允价值比例来分摊。It is universal to amortize the negative goodwill according to non-current assets fair market price except for long-term marketable securities in the world.