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我们的所作所为其本身是一种神圣的贡献。What we did had a consecration of its own.

这里有完全奉献的功课。There is the lesson of entire consecration.

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奉献将会正确地击中大型生物。Consecration will now properly hit large creatures.

法兰西革命是人类无上的光荣。The French Revolution is the consecration of humanity.

奉献就是我们最后胜利的保证。Our consecration is our guarantee of victory in the end.

一切安稳的根基在于对上帝的奉献。The root of all steadfastness is in consecration to God.

奉献是不畏牺牲的决心。Consecration is resolution that is not afraid of sacrifice.

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我们通常把复活节次日看作是对春季的非正式献祭。Easter Monday is usually regarded as an unofficial consecration of spring.

我要求你,把天主重视这奉献的渴望显扬出来。I ask you to bring to light the importance of God's desire of consecration.

它是仁慈的。法兰西革命是人类无上的光荣。It was a good thing. The French Revolution is the consecration of humanity.

复活节一般被认为是一种非官方的春节圣祭日。Easter Monday is generally regarded as an unofficial consecration of Spring.

透过我们的奉献,才能让我们在黑暗中找到她的提携。It is through our consecration that we are able to find her hand in the midst of darkness.

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他被我军新主帅老霍所赏识,这一年会被视为他的为我军好好奉献的一年。He's respected by new coach Roy Hodgson, and this will be his year of consecration in the Premier League.

丽比·莱恩教士被授予斯托克波特第八位主教的祝圣仪式尽管被打断,但还是继续进行。Despite the interruption, the consecration of the Reverend Libby Lane as the eighth Bishop of Stockport continued.

战争结束了,但非裔美国人让阵亡纪念日变成怀念和献祭的惯例。The war was over, and Memorial Day had been founded by African-Americans in a ritual of remembrance and consecration.

神圣愤怒和奉献不再对受控制目标作用,比如妖术。Holy Wrath and Consecration spells will no longer deal damage to targets affected by a crowd control effect, e. g. Hex.

请在我内增添圣爱的火焰,并请派遣妳神圣的天使来煽起这爱火,好让我的心灵雀跃欢腾,并使我的奉献结出丰盛的果实。Send your holy angels to fan the flames of this love, that it may enrapture my heart and make my consecration fruitful.

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我们内心藉著上帝的灵和话语得以洁净,同时也藉著外在的顺服与奉献更加炼净。We need to be made clean within through the Spirit and the Word, and then we shall be clean without by consecration and obedience.

现年八十二岁的教宗是站在推车上被推入教堂内,然后坐在圣坛一旁主持祝圣仪式。The 82-year-old pontiff was standing on a trolley when he was pushed into the basilica. He then sat near the altar to conduct the consecration.

这就是本笃会修女们在巴黎建立圣体永敬会的起源和法律根据。Such is the origin of the legal consecration of the establishment of the Benedictines of the Perpetual Adoration of the Holy Sacrament at Paris.