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甚至有可能会推动改革创新。It may even promote it.

安神、促进睡眠。Anshen and promote sleep.

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那如何去推销保险呢?How to promote insurance?

你可以为我们宣传吗?Can you promote it for us?

提升大众对器官捐赠的认受性。To promote organ donation.

促进便秘——节约厕纸。Promote constipation -- save TP.

散步能促进我的思想。Walking can promote my thinking.

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我们一起组队升级好吗?We form a team together promote?

咱们让艾伦走路,给安升官。Let's fire Allan and promote Ann.

我应该如何推广和销售?How do I promote and sell-through?

如何使用AIDA推销你自己呢How to Promote Yourself Using AIDA

双方在美国推广红高粱品牌。Brand and promote Red Sorghum in U. S.

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你的工作是促销这一新产品.Your job is to promote the new product.

你如何来宣导服务表彰?How can you promote service recognition?

促进多中心基因研究及合作。To promote multi-centered genetic study.

“再销售”的横幅,以促进我的网站。"Remarketing" banners to promote my site.

推广赌场活动及积分换領项目。Promote casino event and redemption items.

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教育是人类文明的推动器。Education is to promote human civilization.

您可以在图22中看到提升的结果。See the result of the promote in Figure 22.

什么维生素可以促进钙的吸收?。What vitamin can promote calcic absorption?